

  • @dnamouse Yeah I love salad too drizzle it with EVOO and I am set
  • I may be two days too late, but my advice is plain popcorn with cinnamon. I binge on plain popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon. If it is oil popped, yeah, it will probably give you about 500 calories. Compared to eating a chocolate bar or a muffin or multiple chocolate bars or multiple muffins, 500 calories of popcorn isn't…
    in HELP!! Comment by milanibriscoe May 2014
  • I am trying to fill up on liquids mostly water, some coffee and tea, even less soy milk even less fruit/veggie juice... then last comes food lol That's my tip to offer. I've always had all this muscle mass and I thought it wasn't possible for my weight to dip below 150 but this morning I weighed in at 147 woo woo:)
  • I turn 20 in September. I lost a lot and gained a few... Yeah I can't resist Whoppers and I call myself a vegan... Well when ppl are watching.... I am totally vegan anyhoo. It would be nice to have some accountability and support. I'll def add u, giiiiirrrrrrlll!