Haters gonna hate?



  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    I gained a little weight last year that I am now removing (about 5-7 pounds to go) and twice this week someone has told me that it's good I gained weight because I was looking too skinny and now I look better. They have no idea that I only weigh 5 pounds more right now so they probably can't even see an actual difference. The thing is I'm still at a 24ish% body fat so losing a little more to get down to 21% (my goal) doesn't seem unreasonable to me but my friends mostly all think I'm nuts.
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    I get this all the time whenever I try to lose weight. I don't mind the comments like "You don't need to lose weight, you're so thin!" because I think people are just trying to be nice and compliment you. However, a bunch of my friends ganged up on me recently during a party where I wouldn't eat the snacks provided (chips, cookies, etc.) and told me I was "anorexic" and that a 1200 calorie a day diet is a "starvation diet" and that the human body needs at least 3000 calories a day to survive. Then I was told I was an "idiot" for relying on an iphone app for my health, even after I told them I had cleared it with my doctor. Funny that it's a social taboo to say that someone's being unhealthy when they smoke or eat a ton of junk food, but for some reason it's okay to criticize someone for trying to have a healthier lifestyle?

    I also had a friend aggressively confront me by saying that me trying to lose weight is a "slap in the face to all my overweight friends, because I'm not overweight thereby by saying I need to lose weight I'm indirectly telling all of them I think they're fat pigs". Umm, that wasn't what I meant AT ALL (their weight is none of my business). I tried to see it from their point of view, but it did seem like an oversensitivity on their part.

    I try not to tell people I'm trying to lose weight, but when people get really pushy on trying to push snacks on me I'll mention it.
  • rhispect
    rhispect Posts: 9 Member
    Yep. Remind me to never mention my workout plans/progress on Facebook ever again. Lesson learned.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't get this. I mean, yeah, people might comment on what I am eating or say, "I should just order what you do, clearly, since you're thin." But if I don't take a snack, I don't think anyone notices and if I turn down a cookie they're like-more for me.

    But I don't even tell people if I am fasting, or not eating sugar/diary/alcohol/gluten. I think it's annoying to them:grumble:
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    People at my office are friendly in general, but they do make back-handed remarks about my healthy eating and turning down their constant donuts and cupcakes and cookies, etc. They'll try to tempt me and tell me I can afford to eat it and things like that.

    If people are being malicious and it's truly making you uncomfortable, I'd suggest talking to HR or your manager. It's not okay to harass someone about their body at work. Period.

    When people make excuses for their bad habits to me or try to tempt me into eating junk, I usually just shrug it off. I pass on the cupcakes and say "maybe the next time" or "darn- I just ate". It seems obvious that heavy office workers are jealous of people who make the effort to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Living a healthy lifestyle is hard when you work long hours at a desk so it's understandable that people feel guilty about it and jealous of people with more time or fewer obligations. Don't mention your dieting or exercise routines. It's great to be proud of your body and health, but downplaying your efforts at work is usually best. Your body and shape speak for themselves :wink:
  • aimeealee
    aimeealee Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, I get the same thing all the time. It is exhausting listening and explaining all the time. When I find myself giving in and eating something that everyone is eating, I totally regret it later. Physically and emotionally. I remind myself that I eat the way I do because I want to and I like to. Stay Strong!! Good Luck!!
  • cjbrdh
    cjbrdh Posts: 3 Member
    I am so happy to come upon this because it happens to me all the time at work. They always comment about me not eating the ridiculous amount of snacks or not ordering in (pizza, subs) like they do everyday. And God forbid if I actually take 1 cookie and eat it I hear all about that. What they don't understand is that I am 5 ft tall so everything I eat will go directly to my hips and stomach and I also come from a long line of obese and unhealthy family members on my mom and dads side. My general answer to anybody else is I say my jeans are tight and I refuse to purchase a larger size. As soon as I go up those extra 5-8 lbs I immediately go on a modified diet. People can be rude but I'm sure in my office it's purely based on the fact that I am at an ideal weight and non of them are, misery loves company! Sometimes I sit and watch what they consume during lunch and would love to come back at them with a comment but I would never be rude.
  • Jenn19891
    Jenn19891 Posts: 20 Member
    I get this all the time too, it drives me nuts when someone always has something to say about what I'm eating. I usually get the "oh, you're actually eating something today, I'm proud of you", even though I have a reasonable lunch every day. If I happen to go up a couple pounds people sure love to comment on it too. I try not to let it bother me too much, people just tend to forget that thinner people can feel insecure sometimes too.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Funny that this thread popped back up today lol

    I went out for lunch yesterday at the IL's house. This is what I got when I turned down a chocolate cupcake - "You'll put us all to shame if you keep this up!"

    uummm... I'd just eaten a rather large bbq lunch (think steak AND sausage, large salad, garlic bread - lots of yummy food, and I may have finished off my 6yo's plate as well :blushing: ) and I was full. I also turned down the fruit salad for dessert ("But it's healthy!"), because I don't like fruit and only eat it when I have no other choice lol

    I don't really watch calories any more, but I have simply worked out what things make me feel yuck. And eating when I'm already full simply makes no sense.
  • melissa3555
    melissa3555 Posts: 2 Member
    Once I was telling my friend about the MFP app's scanning device on my phone because it is super cool. Obviously I had to explain what MFP is. As soon as I said I am tracking my calories she got almost dumbstruck: "Wait, are you /trying/ to lose weight?!"

    I mean, I understand that I do not /need/ to lose weight. However, I do want to improve my eating habits, tone up, and be more healthy in general. In order to achieve these goals I need to behave in ways that will inevitably make me lose weight (a.k.a. exercising, eating less, and eating healthier food).

    Now I dread telling anyone that I track my calories even though I don't think it is something I should have to be ashamed of.

    Do you ever feel ashamed of using MFP?
    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,285 Member
    @melissa3555 "Now I dread telling anyone that I track my calories even though I don't think it is something I should have to be ashamed of.

    Do you ever feel ashamed of using MFP?"

    Never hide your shine for somebody else. I don't talk about it unless someone tells me that she is trying to lose weight, but I'm not going to hide it just to make somebody else feel better about herself. This is hard work, right? It's not as though, for most of us, we can eat whatever we want and laze about and remain thin. It's not as though I eat bon bons all day watching Downton Abbey. I watch Downton Abbey while I'm on the treadmill, and I try to eat pretty cleanly. Even Victoria Beckham has said that she works really hard to remain thin. Maybe one day your friend will realize that the reason you stay thin and healthy is because you DO use MFP.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I had to tell people I have a medical condition that restricts a lot of foods. I do have interstitial cystitis though, and I do have to stay away from certain foods but the fact I had to trot out my condition to keep the snarky comments down sucks.
    I've always been thin, my whole family tends to be underweight and I can't help my genetics. I can't put weight on for the life of me. So I get hate if I eat healthy and I get hate when I'm bulking. I can't win.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I can understand what you're saying. People offer snacks at work, or bring in pizza and I'll often have to turn it down because I simply don't have the room in my diary. It might sound odd, but if I'm going to have treats or a calorie-heavy meal, I like to have them with my family rather than while sitting at my desk at work. It's gotten to the point that if I do have whatever they're offering at work, they make a huge deal out of it. I know it's all in fun, but it almost makes me feel worse than having to turn down whatever they're offering.

    People are also always saying they don't understand why I'm still trying to lose weight since I'm "already so thin," but I haven't reached the point where I'm happy yet. Some don't get why I exercise like I do voluntarily. For that, I just tell myself that either they get it or they don't. Saying anything other than "because I love it" is pointless.

    I'm happy with what I'm doing, I've met some great folks on MFP, and have discovered a side of myself that i never knew existed. Over time, it's gotten easier to just ignore "the haters," and just do my thang. :wink:
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I get the usual "Please tell me you're not trying to lose more weight?!!" if I happen to mention I'm headed for a run/workout or order a salad (no dressing lol) for lunch.

    Um... no, I'm done losing weight, but I need to maintain it and build strength and 1. That means working out and 2. I actually like salad (and I hate dressings)!

    I don't discuss my weight numbers at all or even my routine much. I'm 145cm tall (4'9) so my numbers are obviously much, much smaller than anyone who is normal height. Even when I started to lose weight, people would be telling me they'd love to be that size. They didn't take into consideration they were nearly an entire foot taller than me :grumble: 10kg on me is an awful lot different to 10kg on someone of average height.

    "Please tell me you're not trying to lose more weight?!!" I used to get this a lot at work when I was at my fittest. It really, REALLY bothers me.
    I don't understand why people feel entitled to make comments about someone's weight. I would never dream about walking up to a co-worker and family member about to eat a cookie and say "Please tell me you are not about to eat a THAT and gain anymore weight" So why is it OK to say things like that to a thin person?!?

    I think it is jealousy and insecurities about their own body image. These type of comments certainly don't come from a place of love.

    It is not acceptable.
  • walkingthroughstars
    I get this from pretty heavy older people both men and women at work too. I'm a very short person so no matter how much weight I gain or lose I probably look tiny to other people but that doesn't mean I'm health then. If I've lost 2-3 lbs people seem to notice and say, "you're not losing weight are you? You don't need to lose weight. Don't lose weight." First off it's not there business, I need to take care of my health regardless of what weight I look like outside, I could be unhealthy inside my body. People pushing cookies on me and I get comment all the time even if I've just gained weight recently about "Oh I can tell you've gained weight." and when I lose weight, "Your underweight, you need to gain weight, I need to lose weight, not you." It has to all be jealousy and boredom of their own un-ability to control themselves with eating a healthy balanced diet. let me tell you the people making these comment are the ones you eat nothing but fast quick box meals and junk at work. Hmmm I wonder. Should I take advice from you? no, don't think so. When I tell people i am pre-diabetic. They deny that it's possible for me and even if I am I don't need to change my eating. Yes I did, I used to eat so much junk and processed foods, and I just snacked on chocolate and ice cream constantly. Anyway, people are very frustration.
  • AliEaker
    AliEaker Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah it's irritating. I have to turn people down a lot because I am also vegan. Some people are like, just eat it any way. Not very respectful, I'm not telling them what to eat.
  • Meergan
    Meergan Posts: 23 Member
    My pet hate is, When you say to people 'Oh yeah i really wanna get fit for summer'

    Firstly, skinny is an offensive term, I am no way skinny i am proud of my muscly legs.
    and secondly everyone has a different perception of how they are comfortable with their body, for me to feel fit and strong and healthy overrides any weight, or size i have to pick out in a shop!
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I'm new to the group but what an interesting 1st topic for me to read, I'm lucky as I work on a chilled dept in a supermarket so I'm pretty layered up at work but I do get a lot of, " your not still losing weight are you" well yes I am as I have jiggly bits I want tone up and I'm still in they higher end of my ideal weight bracket is what I'd like to say but I almost end up apologising for losing weight and end up telling them my weight to justify myself almost.

    I only have 3 friends who I share my weight loss with really now but they understand what I'm still doing and encourage me to workout with my dumbells, more overweight friends like to tell me I'm stupid using MFP and so I no longer share my weight loss joy with them and they never say I look nice in the clothes I wear.

    I'm just keeping on with my journey and I shall keep using MFP regardless.
  • milanibriscoe
    @dnamouse Yeah I love salad too drizzle it with EVOO and I am set