bannfox Member


  • I'm new to Keto. One week in. I'd love to have a friend to motivate and to keep me motivated. Feel free to add me. :)
  • What I've wanting is things I shouldn't be eating no matter what... White flour and sugar. Also battered and fried foods. I'm just trying to make it through the tough spots and hold my ground. These foods are what has kept me from losing weight in the first place because I overindulge. It's best for me to stay away from…
  • Stray from my approved food list. Cheat essentially.
  • I'm going to start Keto this weekend after I get to the grocery store. I NEED the motivation! Please add me. I could really use help/support from people who have the same goals.
  • Hey there guys! I just joined last night. I was looking for a place that could supply me with motivation. I've already lost 33 lbs, but still have A LOT to go. My goal is to be at my goal weight in 1 year. I changed the way that I eat back in December when I got the 17 Day Diet book. It has changed the whole way I look at…
    in hi all! Comment by bannfox March 2011
  • Hi there! I'm Bannfox. That's great that you've lost that much! I changed my way of eating back in December and I've lost 33 lbs so far. I, too, and looking for all the motivation and encouragment that I can get. I wish you luck!
    in NEW!! Comment by bannfox March 2011