

  • I've tried it too - I made sure to buy Pure stuff with at least 60% HCA. I workout regularly and eat very healthy because I love it but haven't been able to shed a few pudgy pounds. I find that my appetite is definitely suppressed when I take the supplement vs not take it (I also love eating a lot!) and I'm now finally…
  • I've always been a health nut and very active but I could never loose that last layer of chub (I'm also a chocolate fanatic!). This is what finally did it for me: 1. Changed my eating according to the Paleo diet 2. Took pure Garcinia Cambogia regularly 3. Changed my workout routine to do HIIT training with lots of…
  • I totally agree with Sonny9 I've always been a health nut and very active but I could never loose that last layer of chub. When I started to eat according to the Paleo diet, took pure Garcinia Cambogia and changed my workout routine to do HIIT training with lots of Plyometrics and Bodyweight finishers - that's when I…
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