

  • Figured that but I wanted to make sure thanks so much : )
  • every post on ths thread sounds like me : ) its really an awful feeling to feel out of control...If i have a banned food then I will binge cause I feel I cant eat it but if i let myself eat a banned food I sometimes want more and will binge anyway UGH.... feel free to add me
  • Once I eat something I feel I shouldnt eat.... thats it the BINGE begins. Its such a destructive pattern. And the next day when u wake up you feel worse mentally and physically. I go nuts and will just stuff my face and cant stop...Heaven knows how many calories Ive consumed during a binge...anyone on this post feel free…
  • I have read alot of conflicting things about protein ....thats why I was asking....some say dont go over other say its ok...I was really wondering why the protein was set so low....
  • Its ok....Im sure none of us are experts myself offense taken. We all need to be informed... Thanks
  • I know about nutrition...I eat healthy and am not terribly overweight....I asked the question because I wasnt sure....thanks anyway Besides it seems everyone else understands and said the sugar and proteins are set very low.. Please dont assume this means I dont know about nutrition. Thanks
  • Thank you all I figured it was ok..but I just wanted to make sure and see what everyone had to say : )
  • By the way Jamie congratulations for your strength for overcoming your addictions,
  • I am a night binger too. Everyone on this post sounds like me ,,glad im not the only one. Sometimes you do feel like the only one and think .."what the heck am I doing Im not even hungry". I think for me since I know I gain weight very easily Ive restircted myself ...over the years feeling like I cant eat this or that made…
  • Both of you sound just like me, I tend to do the same thing...If i go off my eaiting plan Ill eat a "BAD" food(which is ridiculous to label any food bad) and once I allow myself to eat it I will binge. I end up on a binge cause I feel Im not allowed to eat these things so today Im allowed so fill up and gorge cause its…
  • I used to weigh everyday but sometimes the flucuations bothered me. I now make it a point to weigh once a week so I can actually see a change in my weight and not get obsessed. I see my scale sitting there and still get tempted to jump on but its working out better for me at once a week. : )
  • Thanks so much for the info. I knew there was a way but couldnt figure it out and thanks for the step by step instruction : )