

  • I never had a weight problem, but I never had a great body even when I was quite slim. I was always pretty average, but 4 events occured before I realized I needed to do something. 1. When I was buying pantyhose, I looked at my height and weight and it recommend that I go up to the next size. These are pantyhose, I've been…
  • I love that you assume my weightloss is cosmetic! :wink: Yes, my goals are small, but I'm quite small. My BMI classified me as slightly overweight. There is plenty of snuggle fluff to loose. Over my adult life I weighted between 98-140 pounds. Could I loose more and still be healthy...yes. Will I? Perhaps. A 10 pound weigh…
  • My best friend who's on MFP is nursing as well. She logs BF as a cardiovascular activity, so she can earn more calories that way. Message me if you like, I'm sure she would be willing to help.
  • Farway I think has it right. Beer/Wine/Spirits are a part of life which make some of us happy. They need to be incorporated into life. What's the point of getting healthy and fit, living longer if you give up everything that you enjoy? Yes drink, but don't cut food out to accomodate the beer calories as you could become…
  • Thanks so much you were right! I saw my nutritionist who agrees with you. I need to be in the 1500 range. She confirmed I was measuring everything accurately, and eating the right food, but I need to eat more!
  • I'm not a doctor, but I'm a form of medical professional. You may be suffering from amenorrhea (losing your period) which can happen when your % body fat gets too low. It's common in female athletes. It's different for everyone, but it usually happens when your % body fat is somewhere in the 17-19% range. Good luck with…
  • Congrats! You lost a whole person. That's amazing!
  • Thanks. I never drink enough water I do know that!
  • Diary is open. It's only for the past 2 days. MFP conked out on me between the Apple software upgrade and the new app, so I lost my history but I typically eat the same stuff every day. My fruit might change or I may eat broccoli rabe vs asparagus, or sometime steele cut oatmeal will make an appearance. My exercise will…
  • Thanks everyone for the advice! I do try to accurately log everything. My morning coffee 16 oz, clocks in around 110 calories. I've measured out things in the past to get an idea of what is the "true serving size." However, some of it is a bit of mess and guess work. I get a lot of those build your own salads so it's…
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm working on getting my Spartan Trifecta this year starting with the Tampa Sprint, Miami Super, and then the SC Beast. I'm a new runner, so I'm using this as a goal, and I've never done a Spartan or an obstacle run in my life. Sign-up for WOD, and feel free to modify it if it's too intense. What…
  • I'm not a doctor or anything, but my friends and I coined this term when we were in our mid 20's. We nicknamed it the "Migration of snuggle fluff." It happened to all of us, and we noticed our bodies would spontaneosly just get bigger in some areas for no apparent reason, however our weight remained the same. I'd be…
  • I'm slightly under 5' 1 and I'm currently a 6 in white house black market clothes. I never really look at the nuumber of the clothing size, as they can vary drastically by brand. Women's sizing is a bit of a marketing scheme. Some brands will have their sizes run large, so their 8, might be another manufacture's 10 in an…
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