When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • I never had a weight problem, but I never had a great body even when I was quite slim. I was always pretty average, but 4 events occured before I realized I needed to do something.

    1. When I was buying pantyhose, I looked at my height and weight and it recommend that I go up to the next size. These are pantyhose, I've been wearing the same size since I was 12. I'm not changing sizes.

    2. I did my BMI, and it classified me as slightly overweight. Yikes! Dashing my belief that I was average.

    3. Pictures with my friends. My arms looked huge!

    4. Realizing I put on 42 pounds in 10 years. At that rate I'd be pushing 180 pounds when I'm in my 40's. So not cool.
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    Well I've had a few "last straws" in my time...usually seeing myself in photos...but just recently my lower back pain has got so bad that my previously routine 90 minute off-road dog walks are a thing of the past. I have difficulty putting socks, tights and jeans on, because I can't lift my leg high enough to get my foot in. My hips hurt. I have violent reflux (to the point of regurgitation). I find myself in a UK size 20 (US 16?), when my previous "fat" trousers were a UK 16 (US 12??).

    Seriously, there's only so many years I can keep losing 10lbs and putting 15 back on. I'm 41, I'm ashamed to visit family members and it's got to stop.
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    Had to start taking blood pressure medicine and was diagnosed with thyroid disease.
  • jjhappymama
    jjhappymama Posts: 1 Member
    My daughter was being bullied , by being teased that her mom was fat.
  • March87MFP
    March87MFP Posts: 19 Member
    Going up the stairs and gasping for air and realizing it really is no way to live. That and a bunch of other things pretty much did me in.
  • Does anyone remember that app 'Fat Booth' that made your face look fat? A nurse at the hospital told me I looked as though I'd been 'Fat Booth-ed'. I damn near cried there and then. I thought next time I come here I'll be a nice weight - and I was! ^_^
  • LisaMS83
    LisaMS83 Posts: 41 Member
    Mine are like last Straws!
    1) when I realized I weighted more then he does
    2) My clothes were getting super tight
    3) I looked horrible in photos (even wearing spanx)
    4) and the last finally straw..... When some ask when your baby is due, and you've never been pregnant
  • Lieridder
    Lieridder Posts: 7 Member
    I had a smooth and scarless skin, until 3 weeks ago, suddenly I was 5 stretchmarks richer. Then I looked up a picture of me in summer 2012. I had a flat tummy! (how can i not have cherished that haha, guess you don't know what you have until it's gone).
  • oh my gosh! I thought I was the only person out there having muscles cramps when I wipe! Time to start using my muscles more!
  • lejenn
    lejenn Posts: 9 Member
    My last straw was feeling sharp pain in my knees if I went up too many stairs, or heel pain if I stood for too long. I used to have to wear heel inserts in my shoes at all times except when showering/sleeping otherwise my feet would hurt too bad. After dropping some of the weight, I don't have to wear those inserts anymore and I have no pain whatsoever going up stairs or standing prolonged periods of time, but I still have more work to do to be completely healthy :)
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I was praised for being an amazing opera singer, but was also told that I wouldn't make it far if I didn't fit the bill physically. Fitness standards, visually and physically, in classical performance have changed dramatically (lil tongue in cheek for you).

    I want a legendary career.

    I love opera!! Most people expect (because they have never been to the opera) that opera singers are fat but most are not! It s physically and mentally demanding! Most people couldn't handle the demands!! Good luck on your journey! Would love to see you perform sometime!
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    There were many straws for me ;)

    1. I just didn't like my body at all. I was really repulsed by what I looked like under my clothes. That kind of mentality didn't do well for my self-esteem.

    2. I was hanging out with girlfriends who were HOT, so the pressure kind of sunk in.

    3. My family has a long line of diabetes and high blood pressure conditions. I didn't want to be part of that.

    4. People were starting to take pot shots at my size.

    And then BAM! Enough was enough. Deep down, I knew that I had the power to change myself and my thinking. And that's what I did.. :)
  • I have begun to feel like I am literally "rolling" out of bed because of the fat.
  • Well, I was overweight before but then I quit smoking last summer and I've piled on a load more weight. I'm limited to wearing a few outfits as I refuse to buy new clothes the next size up. I loathe the way I look and the fact that I'm so unfit.
    It's time for a life change.
  • Losing my job a few days ago. Made me realise I need to get serious and do this weight loss thing properly.
  • nonnironni
    nonnironni Posts: 9 Member
    gained 30 pounds since i got married and moved out of state. i quit my job and didn't have to work anymore, so i sat around the house munching and drinking soda all day. my stomach now extends past my breasts( not sucking it in) and i am so disgusted with my self. i used to be 120 lbs in high school and after i was 142. when i had my son i was 194lbs i got down to 144 and then quit smoking and got back to 166. then i got down to 142 for my wedding and now back to 17.5. I've lost 2 lbs so far and plan to lose another 30. sad thing is when i was 140 i thought i was fat. looking back at pictures, i looked pretty good..
  • Jessica11221
    Jessica11221 Posts: 58 Member
    When out shopping or running errands I would dodge people I hadn't seen in awhile because I didn't want them to see how much I let myself go. This is not an easy task since I live in such a small town. I knew something had to change.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I had been planning on doing more exercises and lowering my calories. I had a knee replacement in November. My knee doesn't hurt anymore. I have no excuses.

    But, the last draw was when a good friend came over (after losing 55 pounds) and gave me all her fat clothes. I love them, buttttttt I have enough fat clothes of my own.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    This last time, it was because I've had a skirt that has fitted me through thin and fat. It's not elasticated, it's a zip up, it just lies really low on my waist when thin and a bit higher as I put on weight.Well, just before the new year I couldn't do it up and sit down. Oops! Lol!
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    It just hit me anew. Time for a change. Going to start a new challenge: Summer Sizzle 2014!