

  • I'm at 295 and dropping I went to build some muscle but I stopped losing weight and remained the same but I lost body fat. I got 45 more pounds and will be getting back on the track after my vacation I'll be posting every week after the first. Let's go everyone and finish the year strong
  • Btw my one year of a healthy diet is September 16th and I'm going too be under 280
  • Broke the 300lbs limit it took all summer but I'm down at 298.6 had sushi and pizza today to celebrate then back to counting my calories. Some things that have helped me 1. Started doing sprints on cardio 2. Changed my cardio every week. 3... As stupid as this is I have bin weighing out 90% of my food 4 upped my calories…
  • Hey Guys it's time to fess up. I was cutting two manny calories. I was feeling like **** and my weight was going up and down like crazy. I tried to cut to much to hit my goal of 299 by the 4th of July that I stopped eating like I should and just dropped my calories to about 1000 a day normally I eat 2500-2800. I put. My…
  • I'm 303. Lost my mess up week. I'm goin to start a new thread about what I am doing and how I'm getting my resalts. Mabie everyone can post what they do on ot so we can try it out
  • So I got my tatoo last tousday and could not workout like I normally do for 4 days. So I gained 3 pounds 306.4. But I work all 4th July weekend so no parties means no over eating I guess
  • Nice that's what I'm going for or a jail guard! Btw so I don't forget 303.4
  • At 305.2. Ya it's bin nuts but I just keep pushing through it... Your a cop?
  • Sorry I missed it by a day. The Last couple of nights at work got crazy. They have me on a new schedule where I have to cook and bring my dinner to work. And it's bin helping me a lot I get off at 3 am and go right to the gym I'm down to 306.4 my goal is 299 by 4th of July. I also started sprinting more and that's seemed…
  • Sorry for the late post. Work/ school was finishing up had a grad party and weigh 310 gained a pound but I just signed up for a 5k. On the down side I got athlete foot from my gym. Hope to be 300 by July
  • Hello everyone my name is josh. I'm 22 years old at my heighist weight was 370. I decided that I wanted to lose weight and after help kids in my same spot... I am a proud member of beardteam USA. I went to the comp in in New Orleans I was 365. I told my self there that this was my last fun weekend for awhile and when I got…
  • I have 3 jobs as of now one I drive. On those days that I do walk a lot 5-10 miles I eat more
  • I eat 1500-2500 calories a day 1500 Monday-wendsday, Friday and Sunday. I eat 2500 calories on Thursday and Saturday. I work 18 hours those days. I don't drink. Smoke I only eat the 35 cal bread and I do that for lunch at work with a Greek yogurt. I only drink water and fresh no sugar added juice. One a week milk. I watch…
  • Hey I'm down 60 pounds so far if you need anything let me know