Men on a Mission thread



  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    BJ Broxton

    SW : 340+lbs Not sure the exact weight as I went past the scale limit
    GW - 200 lbs
    LWW : 05/22/14 -296.8
    CW - 295.0
    Loss -1.8lbs

    Ok so I did not eat like I was supposed to and barely exercised. Now I will hang my head down in shame:(
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    BJ Broxton

    SW : 340+lbs Not sure the exact weight as I went past the scale limit
    GW - 200 lbs
    LWW : 05/22/14 -296.8
    CW - 295.0
    Loss -1.8lbs

    Ok so I did not eat like I was supposed to and barely exercised. Now I will hang my head down in shame:(

    No head hanging in shame needed. I for one count a 1.8 pound loss in one week as fantastic. And, 8.6 in two weeks, Amazing!!! Well done this week.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Memorial Day Weekend and paid too little attention to what I ate.

    CWW 203.7
    LWW 200.8
    Gain 2.9

    Back at it, hope to lose some of that gain by next week and then finally get back below 200.

    Welcome Josh!

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men,

    I hope you all had a great Holiday weekend and to my fellow vets, I salute you. Not a bad week. Only 4 guys updated this week and 1 had a bit of a slip, but no worries. JJ took the top spot this week with a 4 pound loss. Outstanding job!!!

    I am getting in my exercises and I am well below my calorie limit everyday, but still am only losing a fraction of what I should be losing. Time to start trying different things I think. This next week I am going to try and cut as much carbs out of my diet as I can and increase some of my leaner proteins. I get lots of fresh fruit and veggies everyday and have increased my water. Lets see if this works. I would love to see a 4 pound loss on my line one of these days.

    Here you go guys. I hope you all have a fantastic week. Peace out!!

  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    I am going to try something a little different for the next few days (2-3 days) Going to only have a "liquid diet" to attempt to cleanse myself of the holiday goodies. My sodium intake has been very bad along with the sugars and carbs.
    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    Think I will give that liquid diet a try myself.

    We are talking about beer, right? :smokin:
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Think I will give that liquid diet a try myself.

    We are talking about beer, right? :smokin:

    Beer was my first thought! :drinker:
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    LOL not going to deny I have gave myself a treat of a beer or two (since burbon apparently has to many calories...150 per shot REALLY?!?!?!?) most light beers are 95 kal each per 12 oz. but no I was referring to smoothies and veggie drinks.
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    BJ Broxton

    SW : 340+lbs Not sure the exact weight as I went past the scale limit
    GW - 200 lbs
    LWW : 05/29/14 -293.6
    CW - 289.4
    Loss -3.2 lbs

    I went back and edited last weeks weigh in because the numbers just are not adding up compared to what I have in my reports.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    LWW = 203.7
    CWW = 199.7
    Loss = 4.0

    Looks like last week's gain was probably from all holiday chips and junk food. Over two weeks I'm down 1.1 pounds. Now to keep going in the right direction.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Greetings and Salutations men,

    I hope you all had a great week. Dave holds the top honors this week with a very impressive 4 pound loss. BJ and Josh continue to steadily drop impressive numbers.

    Me? I am sucking hind teet this week. I don't know what the hell is wrong. At my weight, I should be shedding the weight pretty easily. I've been thinking of trying this liquid diet also. I'm just worried that I'll initially lose some good numbers but when I go back to solid foods, the pounds will just come back on.

    I am keeping my calories down and I am staying active. Haven't had time recently to get on the treadmill but have been working out in the yard or on other projects quite a bit.

    Guess I'll see what next week brings. With that said, here is this week's chart. Have a great week men.

  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    Sorry for the late post. Work/ school was finishing up had a grad party and weigh 310 gained a pound but I just signed up for a 5k. On the down side I got athlete foot from my gym. Hope to be 300 by July
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Sorry for the late post. Work/ school was finishing up had a grad party and weigh 310 gained a pound but I just signed up for a 5k. On the down side I got athlete foot from my gym. Hope to be 300 by July

    No worries on the 1 pound. You will kill it this next week and good for you an signing up for the 5k. Shower shoes are a MUST for the gym. Been there and done that on the athlete's foot.
    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    Yeah, i gave up drinking a few years ago, just had to.

    I can't IMAGINE try to lose weight but still drinking.

    Of course i wasn't the guy who had a beer or two, i had a beer or 20.
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    BJ Broxton

    SW : 340+lbs Not sure the exact weight as I went past the scale limit
    GW - 200 lbs
    LWW : 6/5/2014- 289.4lbs
    CW - 288.4
    Loss -1.5 lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys,

    I am sooo sorry, I totally spaced the chart today. I did some updates this morning and had planned to do the chart after lunch.
    Things got a little hectic at work and I lost track of this completely. I will try and get it up in the morning.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well, here we go guys. Josh 1 and BJ again continue to let the pounds drop. Way to go guys. I am going in the wrong direction and need to turn things around. Josh 2 had a little stumble but I am certain he will be back in the blue next week.

    Busy here at work so gotta fly. Have a great week.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    So far this last week and weekend is not going well on the dieting part. Not looking forward to standing on the scale.
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    BJ Broxton

    SW : 340+lbs Not sure the exact weight as I went past the scale limit
    GW - 200 lbs
    LWW : 6/12/14 :288.4
    CW - 284.6
    Loss -3.8 lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy Men,

    Only 3 of us updated this week. 2 of you all did great. One of us not so good. I am embarrassed and pretty pissed with myself. I got to quit making excuses and just get with it. Wish me luck...

    BJ, awesome job this week!! Josh, 0.4 absolutely counts, nicely done!

    Here is the chart,
