

  • How do I bump?
  • What I like about this site and what I've decided to do this time round with the help of this site is eat what I like, mostly healthy, but if I do decide to eat more pasta than not, I know I won't blow my diet because I can always adjust my meal plan for the day and still stay on target. Diet is a lifestyle, and I am…
  • Been here a week myself, referred by a friend and love it too.
  • I read a number of the posts before replying, because I too started out on a small dose of anti-depressants. What I found was almost everyone I knew was on them. I could'nt beleive it. Everytime I went into the doctors about getting off them, seriously he put the dose up. I too like one person mentioned was walking around…
  • The "one minute mind set" works for me, when ever I feel trapped, or tempted by my own desires, or my weekness. Packing your lunch is the best idea, but if you take a minute to think and feel, and find the passion behind your goal, invision yourself living your goal and how good you will feel, the temptation will pass, and…
  • My fitness trainer says the same thing about the ceral I was eating by the bowl full. Now I only add three tablespoons of granola for my fiber into my soy yogurt. Get my protein too. If I let it sit it softens a bit and its real good.
  • Thanks Jillian. Have you read the China Syndrome?
  • The truth about you and food that you already knew and some things maybe you did not. A no bs approach to eating well
  • I too am not a big breakfast eater, but if I eat my eggs too early, I feel hungry all day. If you like chinese then try an egg foo young recipe, same calories, only add some fresh bean sprouts to the egg dish, ( more protein add shrimp, chopped chicken) and serve with a dash of soya sauce. Yummy
  • Hey girlfriend Try this thought. You don't have to be model material to be happy, but ideally you would like to loose a little weight. As far as motivation goes....... Can you take yourself back when you aced a test because you studied real hard, or you won a price for coming in first place. You ran a race you thought you…