

  • I have the 200 under 200 book. LOVE hungry girl!!!
  • I started out at 166 in November, and I got down to 152 in January. I've hit a wall since then and it's taking me FOREVER to lose anything more. I'm trying new things though with my diet. I was burning a ton of calories every single day because I was working out constantly, but I think I was working out too much so I've…
  • EAS shakes are amazing- they have dark chocolate, chocolate fudge, strawberry, and vanilla- I get mine at Walmart Premiere Nutrition shakes are really good too- Costco Otherwise I buy Nectar whey powder (I get it from the vitamin shoppe) and I use that with water or milk. Nectar protein powder comes in tons of different…
  • I've never heard of them, what is it supposed to be used for?
  • I had that problem too, I was diagnosed with Celiacs (which studies are now saying can cause headaches, fatigue etc not just the normal "digestive" problems) and I have what is called "Cluster headaches" I will get multiple headaches a day for weeks or sometimes months at a time then I wont have one for months. When I get…
  • When I first started going to my strength training classes and body step classes (three of each class every week) I was EXTREMLEY sore all the time. I hardly ever get sore now, and have started upping my weights and putting another riser under my step so I can go more intense. It takes some getting used too, but as long as…
  • I just put my body pump class (hour strength training class) into the cardio section so I can log my burned calories
  • The diet that I'm on lets me splurge once a day every weekend. my normal cal goal is 1500 so on Saturdays (or Sundays depending on whats going on that weekend) I eat around 3000. My two friends and I have been doing it for three weeks, one friend is down 7lbs, one is down 4 and I am down 3. The person who created this diet…
  • I was eating about 500-700 calories a day from nov 22 til mid jan. and lost 14 lbs. I was working out six days a week (cardio) and was going strong. After mid jan i was still working out six days a week and still eating between 5 and 7 hundred calories a day and didn't lost anything i got frustrated, started eating more…
  • I go to the YMCA in my hometown, and my son absolutely adores it. They have an outdoor playground, and indoor kids gym like a mcdonalds playland, a computer room, and then a huge area for indoor play/crafts. He has a blast there, and goes with me almost every single day and everytime I pick him up he tells me about a new…
  • I am having the same problem, except instead of mine not moving at all it's going up and down every day. One day I'm 152 the next day I'm 150 today I'm 151 and last week I was 149. Its so frustrating, but I'm not going to get too discouraged and give up so you can't either!! Cassie :)