Childcare at the Gym

I am considering joining a gym in our's an Atlanta Fitness. The only real issue that I am having is using the childcare there which I will have to use if I join. My son is nine months old and I guess I am just worried about how well they watch the children in their care. I realize he will only be there for an hour or so when I go and I plan on touring the facility and checking them out the best I can, but I was just wondering how others experiences were with childcare in gyms. Thanks for your input!


  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Overall, I am very happy with the childcare at my YMCA! Three of the four people that work there are absolutely fantastic. They are really what keeps me sane.

    If you feel uncomfortable at first or they seem busy on a particular day, you can always check in on your little one halfway through your workout. I do that sometimes still.
  • emmascott
    emmascott Posts: 249
    My 2 year old has started using the creche last week and now loves it.

    She didnt settle well at first, but I didnt persevere with it. Sometimes you can take them in and stay for 10 mins, then build it up until eventually you can leave them. My gym doesn't charge for doing this.

    All you can do is give it a go? Do you know anyone else that uses it?

    Good luck.

    Its so worth it, I feel like i have a new lease of life!!
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    My sister and I would go to 24 Hour Fitness. She drops her son off at the child care while we would work out. There are usually men working there, always at least 2. One time we went in one of the men was holding a screaming baby calmly saying "shh it's ok" but he was huge and bulky and muscular.... was hilarious to see this huge buff man holding this tiny little baby. haha. Most places have cameras so the activity is monitored. Usually the kids just play together or color or something while the parents work out. If the parent is needed (like for a potty break) they are called over the intercom. You're always right there in the same building if you wish to check in on them to make sure everything is ok.
  • Cposeley28
    I go to the YMCA in my hometown, and my son absolutely adores it. They have an outdoor playground, and indoor kids gym like a mcdonalds playland, a computer room, and then a huge area for indoor play/crafts. He has a blast there, and goes with me almost every single day and everytime I pick him up he tells me about a new friend he made or the friends that he saw again. It's really good for me too because I know I can workout for 1-2 hours and he is having fun and he is safe.
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    The childcare at my gym is great! The ladies that watch the children there are also teachers and they even help my son with homework. The other thing I like about ours is the childcare area is glass so you can always see inside.
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    Thanks so much to everyone who has responded so far! I will definitely be checking in on him periodically when I go. I feel a little better about it now.