meerkat2012 Member


  • Im so glad someone made this thread! I have a MASSIVE diet coke addiction-my turning point was when i realised i had drank 26 litres of diet coke in one week!!. I usually go through 6 cans a day at least as well as buying the 500 ml bottles which id usually drink 2 of a day but sometimes more. I regularly fill black bin…
  • HI :) I just started yesterday -ive watched the DVD several times haha but never 'participated'. I cant wait to see the results also-hopefully itll be worth it!. I found it really hard and almost gave up in 5 mins bbut i pushed to the end and was glad i did afterwards. Im so glad no one can see me do it because theyd…
  • i use omron walking style 3-i think its pretty accurate . Each day it does seem to give me reliable results-when i havent moved much and have been sitting in uni all day it says ive only done around 2000-4000 steps and when i walk later in the evening it seems to give me the right distance pretty much. This one you put in…