moots4me Member


  • Sorry I can't help. I just got my gear 2 pro last week and have not been able to reliably sync across UA Record, S Health, and MFP. I gave up and just uninstalled UA, so I'm interested in any responses you receive.
  • Week #9 Starting weight: 01-16-2018 = 237.5 Goal weight:165.0 Current weight:232.2 Total weight lost: 5.3 lbs This week's successes: Increasing stationary bike workout intensity this last week and ate well under my calorie goal 4 days. This week's challenges: Didn't get the number of workouts in that I would like. I had…
  • Wow, let festivities begin! Happy Birthday and Anniversary!
  • Week #4 Starting weight: 01-16-2018 = 237.5 Goal weight:165.0 Current weight:233.4 Total weight lost: 4.1 lbs This week's successes: Managed to stay on top of excessive snacking and portions. Feels great to see the numbers on the scale moving slowly down. I really like the theme of this challenge in taking it week by week;…
  • Starting weight: 01-16-2018 = 237.5 Goal weight:165.0 Current weight:234.8 Total weight lost: 2.7 lbs This week's successes: back on track workout-wise. This week's challenges: Ups and downs on the scale 01-16-2018=237.5 01-23-2018=234.8 01-30-2018=
  • week #2 Starting weight: 237 Goal weight:165 Current weight: 235.7 Total weight lost: 1.3 lbs This week's successes: lost1.3 lbs! This week's challenges: going to start easing back into working out after my Achilles tendon injury starting tomorrow. Have a great week, Everyone!
  • Greetings: I lost 14 lbs on a BLC last year and have gained it back. I'm here because I wanted to try a different approach to self motivation. A little about me: 58 years old; was athletic and fit most of my life, but have packed on the pounds in the last 10 years. My job can be a bit stressful sometimes and I work about…
  • Great thread and timely, too. Count me in. Alcohol played a big role in my weight gain and is definitely still a factor in having a hard time taking it off. Pinot consistently shows as one of my most frequently eaten foods and this year I'm going to change that!
  • Yes, I've done a few. Only a couple of friends on s health
  • Tried to pm you, but getting error message.
  • Please count me in!
  • I've only been able to add friends if we share phone numbers. Not very conducive to establishing our network of support, is it? I only have a few friends on SHealth but PM me if would like to add me.
  • @ekardoulias here's a helpful link:
  • May I join you two? I have no friends on S Health:( My steps synced fine with MFP the first day and suddenly stopped showing. I posted a help request but haven't heard back.
  • @BigRican69 I am getting the same error message as you. Steps were syncing at first then stopped yesterday. Also, I walked at lunch today and then did a treadmill jog this evening. Both workouts show on S Health, but the first was deleted from MFP and replaced by 2nd workout. I appreciate everyone sharing their tips here!
  • I'd like to join! Starting weight: 238 (January 2016) Goal weight: 165 Current weight: 228 Total weight lost: 10 lbs This week's successes: Got outside for a hike with my DH yesterday despite the weather. This week's challenges: Christmas treats all over the house! Everything going into trash or freezer tonight.
  • I have had the Varidesk at work for about 2 years. Pretty simple design for a 2 monitor setup and works great. I like being able to alternate between sitting and standing easily--I'm not good at remembering to stretch and move when I'm focusing on computer work.
  • Just broke down and bought one at Costco a couple of weeks ago. Was $50 off. It beats the pants off our Ninja, especially if you like greens in your smoothie.
  • SW:(Starting weight) 239 CW:(Current weight)227.4 GW:(Goal weight for this month) 222 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(07/01 Friday): 07/07 Sat:227.8 07/09 Sat: 227.4 07/16 Sat:226.0 07/23 Sat:225.0 07/30 Sat: End of the month(07/31 Sunday): Total weight lost: Just got back from an impromptu happy hour treat with my DH.…
  • yikes! completely forgot to post. At least I finally moved the needle a little, SW:(Starting weight) 239 CW:(Current weight)227.4 GW:(Goal weight for this month) 222 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(07/01 Friday): 07/07 Sat:227.8 07/09 Sat: 227.4 07/16 Sat:226.0 07/23 Sat: 07/30 Sat: End of the month(07/31 Sunday): Total…
  • Another one late to the party. This looks like a great challenge and would like to join you, if that's ok. I've done the last couple of BLC, but seemed to have stalled a bit. SW:(Starting weight) 239 CW:(Current weight)227.4 GW:(Goal weight for this month) 222 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(07/01 Friday): 07/07…
  • Lucy. Not cheap, but flattering, wears easily, and holds up well.
  • Thanks, Everyone for your responses! I switched from using the Garmin forerunner to the gearfit and endomondo for the same reason as @richardgavel. It's taking me a little getting used to, especially on the treadmill. I've done a couple of walk/run 5ks and am working on getting fit and taking off some weight. You can find…
  • Hello Annr! Yes, I found that discussion group pretty quickly and have posted a couple of times :) Very cool group. I'm in Corvallis. Overcast today and cold-41 degrees. We just getting ready to go for a hike in the OSU research forest. So lucky to have miles of trails nearby. I love Seaside! I've only been there twice.…
  • Good morning, All- It was a super busy week at work (4 training workshops produced) for me and that meant additional hours before and after my normal schedule. I hate it when my workout time gets encroached on. Oh well, still able to get 30-40 minutes in on most days. I made a lobster mac last night as a big treat and now…
  • Thank you, JustSomeEm! (and congrats on keeping it off!)
  • Happy new year! I consider myself a newbie, although I joined MFP a couple years ago. I guess I haven't been as ready as I thought I was to make a change, so I am re-committing in 2016 :) Hope to regain fitness and lose 50-60 pounds. So many cool women posting here! I'm in the Willamette Valley in Oregon, but want to give…
  • I'm game!
  • Happy new year! 1. Meditate 10 minutes a day. 2. Cut out the nightly wine. 3. 5k in February. 4. Average 30 minutes cardiovascular a day. 5. Weights/total gym 2 week. Vamoots
  • Hi I'm Moots and would like to try this with you. My first time here nad my first time joining a challenge group. I would like to drop 30 in 100, also!