

  • I was actually given an approval for a consultation for lap band but decided to go this route one last time. Either way I need to make lifestyle changes and if i can do that without surgery that would be the best option for me. I am thrilled this worked for you. congrats!
  • I am right there with you! This will be OUR last diet together. One of the things I am doing to help keep me from "snacking" on the wrong things is to bring some good snacks I enjoy with me. This way when I do get that urge I just eat they snack that is healthier than a cheeseburger and it kills the hunger. If you are…
  • Wow, what a great early response. Thank you all so much. And I agree 100% with the idea of not eliminating foods. that was my problem in past diets, I would eliminate foods and found myself CRAVING them at times and it became too much to bear. I am going the route of counting the calories and eating what I enjoy. Of course…