starting weight loss for the last time!

I am sure I am not alone here in that we have all tried many ways to lose the weight. I am 47 and weigh 314 pounds and need to be about 100 pounds lighter. I have done all of the fad diets and of course they just do not work in the long run.

So I am here now to try and do this he right way. Eating less, eating better, and beginning to add exercise to my daily life. My father died at a young age of 51 and as I mentioned, I am 47. I have 4 kids, 8, 6, 2, and 9 months. About 2 weeks ago I had a very vivid dream that I had died. I was mad at myself in the dream because I was only 50 and I remember saying to myself, I was younger than when my dad died (he had a heart attack).

I woke from that dream startled, scared, and sad. I decided then and there that my life needed to change and that was my sign to do it.

I would love to join some of you in mutual support. I have always tried to do everything on my own, never asking for help, but this is for my kids and I need the help and welcome it. While I know it will be difficult at times and there will be ups and downs, I am committed to the change. I look forward to checking in with you all and seeing your progress and helping where I can.

Bless you all and I hope that you all reach your goals.



  • Hi there! You can do it! I recommend that you watch the biggest loser show. I started yesterday and it really motivated me pick up a healthy lifestyle. My goal is to lose 25lbs which is so little comparison to the 100lbs they lose in such a short period of time. All it takes is determination and good support. We're all here for you! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    Youwill find so much conflicting information on these message boards, so first let me say, FIND YOUR OWN WAY. Secondly, let me say I firmly believe you'll only have permanent success if you do this in a way you can maintain for life. For me, that meant not eliminating ANY foods I like. My food diary is public, and you're welcome to browse through it. You'll find I eat normal foods. I personally don't track anything other than calories. I know there are some people who follow a strict meal plan and are meticulous about counting carbs or making sure they have "enough" protein (whatever that means), but I strongly encourage you to do what you can do EVERY day in EVERY situation. That means holidays, vacations, birthdays, etc. Allowing myself the freedom to eat all fo the foods available to me means I have no excuses and no cheat days. I've had to focus on my behavior around the food instead of making the FOOD be what's wrong.
    Set a reasonable calorie limit and stick with it 90% of the time at least. If you go over, make sure you log it anyway. Not logging doesn't mean it didn't happen! Logging is the honesty and accountability part - it's what we all need to conquer the stronghold of overweight.
    Best of luck to you. You can do this!
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    I've had to focus on my behavior around the food instead of making the FOOD be what's wrong.
    Set a reasonable calorie limit and stick with it 90% of the time at least. If you go over, make sure you log it anyway. Not logging doesn't mean it didn't happen! Logging is the honesty and accountability part - it's what we all need to conquer the stronghold of overweight.


    ^^ This is great advice! And welcome to you!

    I joined MFP in March, and I have been trying to be reasonable about what I can do so I stay committed to this. Like the previous poster, I still eat the same as I always did. The biggest thing I have learned so far is about portion control and how much my body needs vs wants.

    I have two kids, 8 and 9.5 years. I am doing this for me, but I know that I am inevitably doing it for them too. I want to set a good example for them. And I don't want to teach them that food is bad. All food is meant to be enjoyed, even the fruits/veggies that they turn their noses up too most often. Exercise is good for our bodies! I try to workout, even if it's 10 minutes, while they are at school and/or I will incorporate my calorie burns into activities I do with them (taking walks, going for a bike ride, shooting hoops, jump roping).

    You can totally do this! Feel free to add me as a friend! I will encourage, not judge!!! And being a busy mom, I can relate to what you are going through too :)
  • filmfx66
    filmfx66 Posts: 4
    Wow, what a great early response. Thank you all so much. And I agree 100% with the idea of not eliminating foods. that was my problem in past diets, I would eliminate foods and found myself CRAVING them at times and it became too much to bear. I am going the route of counting the calories and eating what I enjoy. Of course I will cut back on some oils and fats as this will allow me to eat more while spending less on calories. But I like to know that if I want to have a snack that I really enjoy, like some crackers and cheese, instead of just getting the box of crackers and a tub of cheese, I can just get out a serving of crackers and a serving of cheese and eat that and enjoy it... I am very excited about the future and I think I have certainly found the right place to be.

    I look forward to reporting good news.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Welcome to MFP. All the above advice is good. To me the biggest thing is being honest with your logging. If you eat it, log it. I keep my diary open. Knowing there are several people going to look at it everyday helps me make good decisions during the day. And days like today, when I ate too much Mexican food, I try to walk to make up for it.
    Like others have said, I don't put any food off limits, but I limit how often I eat it. Cheese grits and hushpuppies were a biggies for me. I still love the, just not as often, or as much.
    Another thing with me, I don't call what I'm doing dieting. It is a lifestyle change. I'm in no hurry to get to a certain weight because I have the rest of my life to get fit.

  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Last time? NO! Will not have a defeatist attitude.
    Nope nope nope!

    You can TOTALLY do this, you just have to be READY.

    ARE YOU READY?? If you are ready, and you WANT THIS, you will totally do it and CAN do it.
    All it takes is for you to reach inside yourself and see how much you want it. How badly do you want this??

    Make it happen.
    Dreams do come true, make yours a reality!!!

  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member

    Dreams do come true, make yours a reality!!!


    Hmmm... Bit ambiguous of a statememt in this case....
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member

    Dreams do come true, make yours a reality!!!


    Hmmm... Bit ambiguous of a statememt in this case....
    Lol, don't be mean XD
    I meant it in a supportive way, not a far far away, way. :laugh:
  • HFreymuth
    HFreymuth Posts: 13 Member
    This probably won't be a popular reply, but I was 110 lbs overweight and had gastric sleeve surgery last August since for years I would loose and gain the same 50 pounds. I intended to get a lapband but changed my mind. This helped me drop a bunch of weight while I changed my behavior. Today, I am 70 pounds lighter and spend 80-90 minutes 5x a week at the gym alternating between strength training and cardio. I also eat 80 grams of protein a day and try to limit carbs. I love this site because it helps me track all of this. I cheat now and then (mostly with wine and sometimes pizza...). The surgery limits the amount I can eat at one time - currently 5 or 6 oz, but I could eat all day if I wanted. However, the rapid weight loss, especially at first motivated me to hang in there.
  • filmfx66
    filmfx66 Posts: 4
    I was actually given an approval for a consultation for lap band but decided to go this route one last time. Either way I need to make lifestyle changes and if i can do that without surgery that would be the best option for me. I am thrilled this worked for you. congrats!
  • Cherieb42
    Cherieb42 Posts: 12 Member
    Dear Billy,

    First let me congratulate you on your commitment. We all know it is a difficult one. I want to let you know that you can do this! I lost 90 pounds when I was 44 years old. It was my 3rd and final time (I previously gained and lost it twice in my adult life). What I did different this time was focus not only on my calorie intake and portion sizes but very much on WHAT I was eating. I cut out all processed foods, refined sugars and any meat with chemcials or mass produced. It of course didn't happen overnight but it all fell into place over the period of a year and half. I also for the first time in my life became a runner. As I began to lose weight and feel better I had the courage to try new things.

    I also had to come to grips with the fact that no matter what I did, it would have to be something I could do for the rest of my life. So instead of "Nacho" night, I found other healthy foods to make that were equally as exciting to me. My favorite thing to do is go to the farmers market and buy a veggie I have never heard of and find a recipe to make with it.

    You can do this, you will have highs and lows but just focus on your goals and as you begin to lose weight and feel better, you will have the strength to continue.

    Good luck!
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member

    I will be 49 next Friday and this is the first truly successful weight loss I have experienced in my lifetime. I log everything I put in my mouth, I drink water and i exercise. That really is the "secret" formula.

    I have a completely emptied lapband inside me that I paid $15,000 of my own dollars for. When I have skin removal surgery I will be having it removed. Oh well, lessons learned. I am not saying the band is bad, but it does not work for all and even when it does work it often does not keep working for the long term. This has to be about that which is sustainable for a lifetime!

    I am sending you a friend request because I am going to so enjoy watching you succeed!!

    You can do this.....and I am here to help if I can!