Thanks. She is so good to be so strict with sleep patterns. Its interesting as I started at 20 and have done 16years as well. I am longhaul and work for an airline with no bid lines just automatic rostering but am gonna try to implement the sleep thing. Thanks and safe flying to her
in the beginning yes its all okay long as you stick to your goal. When you get nearer your final weight it gets harder and the platteaux are harder to bust through and it is then that the content of the calories becomes and issue. Thats just my experience 40lb later.............................
I just did it in June. I had oatmeal for breakfast with the applesauce (nothing in that but apple and water, no sugar nothing.)mixed in it and then drank lots of water. When the family had ice cream I had a diet coke for the sweet taste. There are salads available for lunch in the parks or there are grilled chicken…
I am so pleased to see you here and I hope the first week has gone well. The diaries geteasier from here on and the results get better and better!. :bigsmile:
how do you custom tweak the guides? I have tried but I dont seem to be able to do it. I am a bit useless with the computer.
My diamond rings fell off in the shower. I caught then so no harm done, then I realised why they had fallen off.........nsv
I am from the UK too. 6 feet and started at 252lb in march. I have lost 24lbs so far. You have made a great choice.
Reading, England
forgive me but whats an HRM. I am from the UK and it isnt clicking in my mind straight away.?