F00LofaT00K Member


  • Protein bars under or around 200 cals for a filling, fast snack on the go. Chicken breast. Fish is mostly protein and water. There's very little fat in nearly all species of fish. A 4oz filet of fish is typically under 100 cals and has over 20g protein. When I buy oatmeal and cereal, I get the kinds with higher protein.…
    in Protien Comment by F00LofaT00K May 2015
  • This may sound silly, but I practice moderation. I keep tempting foods around to practice avoiding them. I have white chocolate Reese's miniature in my pantry... and now that I mention it, I want to go eat the rest of the bag, but I will not!
  • When I exercise, my brain tells me to EAT! I absolutely see how these results came about! Until I started counting calories, I felt defeated because I would work out and see very little change.
  • A cup does not measure weight. A "fluid ounce" is the volume of water needed to weigh one ounce. The use of the word "ounce" is kind of pointless because cups do not measure weight; they measures the volume of things. A fluid ounce of maple syrup will weight more than a fluid ounce of water. Fluid ounce is not weight and…
  • Most ice creams are low calorie if you only have a serving. Most are around 150cals per serving as long as you avoid the flavors that are filled with candy and/or nuts. There are low calorie fudge pops out there and Breyer's has this really awesome 100cal per serving butter pecan... if you're into that sort of thing.
  • This pleases me.
  • I'm dumb today... I read that as seventy egg whites..... good lord, brain!
  • 100 calorie yogurt, salad with tasty dressing, apple and peanut butter, guacamole with celery and/or carrots, avacado or jelly or peanut butter spread on crackers, small bowl of cereal, candy bar, protein drink, small serving of ice cream, banana, some kettle corn... really just anything portioned to around 100-200 cals.
  • It sounds like this is just the shape of your body. People store fat in different places, you store it on your hips and belly. You will likely always be similarly proportioned regardless of how much weight you lose/gain. If you're already a healthy weight, try looking into weight training to develop muscle in places to…
  • Absolutely. The portions that I can eat are much smaller... I can never finish an entree at a restaurant these days. After working toward my goal for a year and training my body to want less food at one time, it really doesn't take much to feel satisfied.
  • Make whatever you want and eat a portion that is under 350 calories. This is what I do. I get to enjoy the foods that I like, I just eat less of them. It keeps me happy. :)
  • 5'4" SW: 196lbs CW: 148lbs GW: 135lbs
  • I'll survive it by gorging on whatever candy I want for a couple of days because a couple of days won't make me fat and I'd be a fool to pass up discount day-after Halloween candy at my local grocery store.
  • I've lost around 50lbs without going to the gym. I work 8 hours a day then go to school for 5 hours a night. I'm away from my apartment M-F from 8am-11pm. If I tried to exercise on top of it, I would probably have a mental breakdown. Scientifically speaking, your weight is DIRECTLY a result of the number of calories you…
  • ABSOLUTELY THIS!!!! BUT: I just started eating Special K Protein cereal because there's 10g of protein in a 3/4cup serving. I like to use Silk Chocolate Soy Milk with it (or whole milk, but I really like chocolate soy milk!) I'm going to start a new job on Wednesday and it's a desk job instead of a physical job. I'm trying…
  • I suggest it all the time, but nobody ever listens. I tell them how I can still eat the foods that I like because I'm tracking what I eat. The last time it came up with somebody, it was with a coworker. She wanted to lose 20lbs before being a bridesmaid in a wedding this April. She seemed interested, asked me to write down…
  • I hope you fit some fatty foods in there like avocado, olive oil, etc. Fat is hugely important in proper organ and hormonal functions.
  • I am 5'4" and 25 years old. I still want to lose another 5-7lbs, but I feel good about how I look. I think what I really want is to build a bit more muscle then lose a little weight. My issue is that my body is flabby. I like the size that I am right now. This is my heaviest at close to 130lbs: Due to some changes in my…
  • I drink wine and craft beers mostly. If I'm going to drink, it's going to be something that I enjoy, not something that's low-cal for the sake of saving calories. I'd rather have one beer or one glass of wine and enjoy it than 3 or 4 drinks that I dislike. If I want more than one drink, I'll mix some seltzer water with the…
  • I bought a couple of new items as I needed them. I went from a size 14 to a size 6. . . there were a few new pants in between. I have a new job that begins in November and I have to dress professionally. At my current job I wear jeans and over-sized t-shirts. Hello, shopping!
  • Because it looks like this:
  • Absolutely for life. I've tried every diet in the book and it took me years to realize that they're all part of the huge, money-making, diet industry. None of the proprietors of these diets want to help anybody but their own wallets. I'm so glad I found MFP and started reading advice on the forums. It pushed me to do a lot…
  • CenPen here!
  • 90% of the time, this is what I do when meals are prepared. My schedule is very hectic though, so most dinners are just a frozen entree. . . I'm getting REALLY tired of frozen entrees. . . and I miss cooking. :sad: But for real, learn how to use the recipe builder on MFP. I change the amounts of ingredients each time. I…
  • I usually have 3 small meals and several snacks (or 2 small meals and one bigger meal and fewer snacks). If I never let myself feel hungry, then I typically stay within my goals. If I skip a meal, which happens from time to time, my stomach growls and I end up overeating. So for me, it's easier to stay within my goals if I…
  • White stuff in pee?? Sounds an awful lot like a whooole lot of pus and a serious infection.
  • It depends on your activity level as well as age/height/weight. I maintain at 2400. I'm currently working my way up to that to transition into maintenance. I work in a warehouse lifting 50+lb boxes and pushing, pulling, carrying heavy things on top of speed-walking at least 8 miles throughout my day. The more active you…
  • When I eat at a local place without nutrition info available, I do this. Don't make things too difficult.
  • Kids Meals. They heave all the things that I want in a normal portion size. I can enjoy a burger, fries and a diet coke for less than 550 calories.