Wow! Congratulations - you are a true inspiration. You must feel great!
Hi, Read "The China Study" and then decide if Atkins is the way to go! Good luck in any case!
Congratulations on your new pregnancy, and I am sorry for your loss. You look great and deserve to be proud!
I know everyone has a different opinion but I did a 7 day juice cleanse and I really noticed how my digestive tract responded better afterwards. So I vote yes an occasional break from regular eating is helpful!
I have felt that way many times, but have learned that the feeling is not always accurate. What I imagine others are thinking and what they actually are - are two different things. I know when I look around in a restaurant it is the food that I am checking out and not how large/small etc the people are. You are a beautiful…
As an ex smoker I can relate to the struggle to quit and then to gain weight. I quit 2 1/2 years ago. You did the best thing for yourself and now you look and must feel fantastic. Congrats! (on both the smoking and weight loss!- isn't it great not to smoke!)
Wow! Amazing inspiration- you look fantastic.
Thanks great advice!
I did a one week juicing fast about 2 years ago. I should do it again. Afterwards I felt like my body had been in for a tune up. I lost 8 lbs in one week of course, but that is not why you juice. You do it for the benefits it has to your body. It is also a way of fasting which has its own benefits. I would not do it to…
I did a 7 day juice detox diet. It was excellent but took alot of discipline. Every day you drank a different 'colour' fresh pressed juice- so you need a juicer and in the afternoon you got a green juice. Along with the juices there were exercises to do as it was a complete program that involved detoxing the mind and…
Wow! Good work. You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Hi- I wish you a successful operation and a speedy recovery. I am impressed by your weight loss. I want to start swimming again as well, it is supposed to be a great workout because it uses all your muscles.
Homemade German rye bread with sunflower seeds, onz of cheddar