


  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I'm thinking about juicing. I've got about 30lbs to lose total and I want a quick jump start to get my self esteem up. I'm planning on doing the whole "no solids" for a couple of days and see how it goes.

    What are the benefits you are looking to get out of this?

    Is losing a few pounds of water weight really going to improve your self esteem? Wont it go back down when you regain that water weight once returning to a normal diet?

    What is it about solid food that you think is bad and what kind of improvement will you get by eliminating them?
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    I just want to lose a quick couple of lbs to get me out of this funk. I love food so nothing against solids
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I just want to lose a quick couple of lbs to get me out of this funk. I love food so nothing against solids

    Fair enough. I hope it works for you.

    From your profile picture you dont look like you have 30lbs to lose. I would bet that just starting some form of exercise that you enjoy and lowering calories, with the food you like, you would see real results that would be sustainable in the long run.

    Wish you luck.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Anyone have any good experiences with it?

    yep, did a week on juice with intensive exercise. Worked well. Blend in half an avocado to one juice a day to get some fats (and calories).

    About 1/3 of the stuff you juice comes out as pulp, depending on the machine. Plenty of soluble fibre in the juice eg pectin from apples which are typically used as the base of juices.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I either juice or use a veggie/protein shake meal replacement every day for lunch. It has helped me tremendously! In the beginning I had to experiment with a lot of different ingredients to find the right mixture that was both tasty and satisfying. There are a ton of really good juicing recipes on Pintrest and if you Google juicing you'll find a bunch too. It all depends on your taste... I actually like the grassy, veggie, rooty taste so I can stick to straight vegetables and sometimes throw in some almonds for the texture and nutty taste. I have also used veggies but added blueberries or strawberries and even Walden Farms marshmallow dip to sweeten it up, but I am not really a sweets person. I don't have a juicer but I do have a nutribullet which is totally awesome! If you are looking for sweet I would stick with whole raw fruits vs. adding any kind of fruit juice... too much sugar! The only fruits I use are berries and once or twice a week I'll have an apple or an orange. I tend to stay away again because of the sugars. Good luck!
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    Eating whole fruits and vegetables gives you a lot of the fibre, vitamins and minerals that you lose when you juice them. Fibre will help you feel fuller and make you less likely to want to nibble on snacks in the day.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Make sure you stock up on toilet paper. :laugh:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Juicing in addition to a healthy diet? Cool.

    Juicing to be your diet? No bueno.
  • SweetLilyR
    SweetLilyR Posts: 283 Member
    From what I remember from my juicing research I did last year, there are two kinds of fiber - soluble and insoluble. The pulp that comes out of the juicer that's dry is the insoluble fiber: that is the stuff you poop out and isn't digestible. The pulp that comes out with the actual juice that floats on the top is the soluble fiber and that is digested. I have to argue that unless you have digestive issues that involve irregular BMs, constipation, or diarrhea, then juicing is just as valid a method of getting the vital nutrients from veggies and fruits.

    I did two 30 day juicing fasts and I loved it. I dropped nearly 60 pounds in that time, felt incredibly energetic and healthy, my digestive system no longer felt sluggish and bogged down, and I was told by a lot of people that I was absolutely glowing. After each fast, I stupidly went back to my old sugar/fat filled (over)eating habits and regained everything back rather than sticking with the vegetarian diet I was hoping on sticking with. THAT is the hard part - sticking to the new way of eating after a juice fast.

    Good luck to you and feel free to PM me with any questions you might have...
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks guys
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Never did juicing only but did the non juice detox found here http://healthyliving.msn.com/nutrition/your-non-juice-detox-7-days-of-clean-eating

    good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    What about taking a baby step and investing a turbo blender instead. They are expensive (so is juicing), but you are much more likely to use it in the long run. We make smoothies every day from inexpensive stuff like plain yogurt, frozen fruit, and kale. We also use it for blending soups, and making blended frozen fruit adult drinks in the summer. You can make juice from these too, but you have to strain the pulp with cheese cloth and add water.
  • CEMH1
    CEMH1 Posts: 33
    I would say educate yourself. I juice everyday, but not as a detox, but as an enhancer to my lifestyle. It can be expensive, but not if you stop buying all the processed stuff and replace it with veggies and fruit. Our house looks like a grocery store. I juice daily for my husband and I. I tell everyone how much I love juicing and the benefits are huge! ( although I would put weight loss as a side bar, not the reason to do it) The number one benefit is energy for sure. After juicing for one meal for little as one week you will be amazed at how much energy you have to pump out those much wanted workouts. Yes, no magic one thing... healthy eating and exercise is the way to do it.

    Many are uneducated and it drives me crazy when people make comments on something they have no experience in. A blender and a juicer are completely different. If you are serious, buy a juicer that won't dissapoint. I would recommend Omega. It is a financial investment ( but what is your health worth?) I bought one that came with a 10 year warranty on parts and lifetime warrany on the motor and is amazing.

    Some people have negative things to say such as you are stripping the fiber etc...out, I'm not saying that their comments are not valid, but the direct nutrients I'm getting is more fruits and veggies than I could never eat in one sitting.

    Instead of just a spinach salad, I've introduced amazing greens daily into my diet like cabbage, red swiss chard, cucumber, celery, not to mention daily, carrots, beets, limes and lemons and apples, pears, ginger, parsley etc.... the list goes on. If I didn't juice I just wouldn't have all these in my diet daily. If I can help more, let me know.

    My suggestion would be to educate yourself, buy a proper juicer then introduce it as one meal first. Keeping it as a lifesyle change over a fad quick detox will serve you much better .
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    I was talking to my boyfriend about it last night. He's like, why don't you just eat them? I have a very hard time making myself eat when I'm not hungry, but I can drink water all day long. I think it will be a easy way to get all of my fruits and veggies in. I'm definitely not going to starve myself. I am going to try a vegetarian diet for a while though.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    How is it expensive?

    one bundle of non- organic kale is 1.99.....and you use about 3 of those. that's just one little ingredient. If you watch fat sick and nearly dead, it costs about 24 dollars a day for Walmart priced veggies to juice, and like 36 for organic.

    Just watched this last night. He said $14/day.
  • caenis
    caenis Posts: 14
    I did a one week juicing fast about 2 years ago. I should do it again. Afterwards I felt like my body had been in for a tune up. I lost 8 lbs in one week of course, but that is not why you juice. You do it for the benefits it has to your body. It is also a way of fasting which has its own benefits. I would not do it to lose weight, but rather to feel a step closer to a body that is functioning well.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    it might jump start you but once you return to a regular healthy diet you might gain it back - why not eat instead of drink your calories and drink lots of water - you would benefit just as much if not more by eating real fruit and veg than juicing it and would likely feel less deprived - calories in fruit and veg are so low that I would rather eat 3 cups of it than put 3 cups through the juicer and end up with 1 cup of juice
    Because I can get full off of one apple. It's sad that my 13mo eats more than me

    Why do you need to lose 30pds, if one apple fills you up?!?
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I love juicing but I use it to help me get my liquids plus all my veg/ fruit in (I can't eat that much veg in a day) plus I also eat solid food. I have never juiced kale though.

    I have an Omega 8004 Nutrition Center which is awesome for not only juicing but also making nut butters, fruit sorbets etc
  • ysanne88
    ysanne88 Posts: 16 Member
    I've done the Jason Vale 7lbs in 7 days plan and I'd recommend it to anyone who asked me about it.

    Ditto on all the expensive comments though. Making them myself according to his plan seemed like way too much effort so I bought mine premade and it cost a bomb, although I'm sure this was more than if I'd done it myself.

    Everyone discussing the toilet sitch, because of the lack of fibre, there was no need for extra toilet paper imo!

    I would defo give it a good, not as a kick start though and not focus on the weight you loose from it, because it goes straight back on, even if you eat really well after it.

    Main benefit for me was being able to recognise how much I want to eat during the day just because I like to eat, juicing didn't make me feel hungry at all but I still wanted to eat because I just like food. And obviously how full of energy you feel is great.
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    it might jump start you but once you return to a regular healthy diet you might gain it back - why not eat instead of drink your calories and drink lots of water - you would benefit just as much if not more by eating real fruit and veg than juicing it and would likely feel less deprived - calories in fruit and veg are so low that I would rather eat 3 cups of it than put 3 cups through the juicer and end up with 1 cup of juice
    Because I can get full off of one apple. It's sad that my 13mo eats more than me

    Why do you need to lose 30pds, if one apple fills you up?!?
    I don't eat enough apples I guess.