

  • Week One: Well everyone, week one didn't go over so well for me. I was on spring break but I stuck to my diet and I got my 8 glasses of water everyday. However I only worked out for 357 minutes or about 2000 calories based on MFP calculators. However I was outside in the heat from around 4-9 hours a day if that counts for…
  • Day One is over! I burned 453 calories durning 15 minutes of strength training and 26 minutes of cardio I drank over 8 glasses of water today!! Yay!! weigh in tomorrow
  • Darn its too late
  • I want to join! If it isn't too late
  • Yeah I had started the Insanity program before but I got sick and had to stop. But I love the program. I did very well on most of it only I had to make some modifications for some of the moves that require a lot of upper body strength. Thanks !!
  • Thanks! No, my doctor didn't tell me anything other than take your medicine to regain the use of your muscles. What he should have said is you are going to need a lot of exercise with strength training but I figured that out on my own. No I didn't loose all muscle function. I lost pretty much all muscle function from my…
  • Hey, I'm Kala. I would love to be apart of this thread. So here a little background information on me. I have always pretty much been at a normal healthy weight. The only time besides now that I have ever been over weight was for about 6 months when I was 12. I was a little over weight but then all of a sudden I hit a huge…
  • Hey, I'm joining in one week late. Better late than never I guess. So just to recap I have been really good for the past week. I lost the 2 pounds that I was supposed to loose. I also did my 2 mini workouts each day. The only trouble I had was eating all of my calories. I always seem to end up with about 50 calories left.…
  • I have completely cut out soda, tea, and juice. I will drink a cup of coffee or milk occasionally but thats it. Everything else is water water water