I personally don't like my personal business all over Facebook, and maybe he doesn't either. I use it to keep in touch with old friends and family that are far away. I don't list my relationship status at all, because imo it's no one's business but mine. The people who matter usually already know, FB doesn't need to…
I worked a very similar shift for two months, 23:30 to 7:30. I concur with the first person who commented, try and adjust yourself to living in a reverse of your normal schedule, and invest in some dark curtains to help you sleep during the day!
THIS is just outright scary and dangerous and no family event is worth it. OP, please do not do this.
Yes please. Report the abusers/spammers, and get back to the actual topic at hand? I think everyone has made their points.
This. Absolutely this.
I love this! So far I've lost a car tire! It's sort of neat to see what you've lost compared to real world objects. Also blows my mind I quite literally just lost the weight of a spare tire.
I have a job that takes me on and off working nights, and I am a night owl and prefer to be up late. To try and get to bed at a reasonable time I tend to fall back on the following: - A definite 'bed time' routine, just like a morning one. Brush teeth, wash face, get changed etc that sort of gets you revved for bed. - Read…
Raw, unsalted almonds.