

  • Absolutely, I think it's ludicrous. That's definitely one of the issues in the US with our obesity problem.
  • Yea, I was totally blown away with the replies I got. I guess people don't like to hear the truth! I just can't fathom that it's not common knowledge that it isn't just the number of calories you eat, but the quality! People were like "that is so radical" and "that's too hard". Nothing good ever comes easy! Any type of…
  • Thank you, I appreciate that. I fully own my reasons for becoming obese. I didn't believe in moderation, I ate sugary, fried, processed food regularly and only occasionally ate vegetables or fruit. I am choosing this lifestyle because I have tried everything short of weight-loss surgery, and this has been the only one to…
  • Chickens mass-produced for sale in supermarkets are routinely fed antibiotics, arsenic and steroids. There's no money in small chicken....
  • Absolutely, all great questions. In the past my whole family ate the cakes from a box or made at our local grocer's bakery. Now, I make carrot cake made with coconut flour and nut-butter frosting. I stay away from all fast food, including subway. On the small chance that we go to a restaurant, I order a salad. If we go to…
  • @stefaniemazz, I can truly say I have not eaten pasta or Mcdonald's in months. I do have burgers, from grass-fed, hormone-free ground beef, with no bun, from time to time. Not saying I haven't eaten large amounts of those foods in the past, and I unfortunately am dealing with the consequences. That is why I am choosing to…
  • Eating healthy makes me a whacky conspiracy theorist? Interesting... There are exceptions to every rule. Sure, your grandparents might have lived a very long and fulfilling life regardless of the food they consumed. However, people who make bad food choices are riddling their bodies with cancer-causing chemicals and…
  • Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss. If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight. Not only will you be unhealthy, but you will be supporting one of the most corrupt companies in the world. (Monsanto)…