Can you really eat "clean" your whole life?



  • mrsnaethe
    Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss.

    If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight.

    Not only will you be unhealthy, but you will be supporting one of the most corrupt companies in the world. (Monsanto)

    Do yourself a favor and eat what comes from the earth. It's not difficult to follow by any means, it's a lifestyle that was followed by our ancestors not so long ago.

    Also, the majority of chicken sold in a public market is no where NEAR clean.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    This topic comes up ALOT. If you eat at maintenance, you'll not gain. If you eat at below, you'll lose weight. With that said, at MY age, I'll *try* to eat a little more wholesome in order to drop bloated salty weight. Scale doesn't lie. So if its water weight or fat weight, I still want it off. And yes I could eat whatever I wanted 25 years ago and still get a rockin' hard body from my workouts.

    Having had yet another birthday, it does change the way am able to tone/tighten up. I feed my body so it will take care of me. Does that mean I don't still eat my own baking, NOPE! :love: But then again some could argue my own baking is "clean" LOL cuz there's no preservatives.:laugh:
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    :huh: shure just wash all your food, cookware, dishes, and your self prior to eating. :bigsmile:
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Always must chuckle at the eating CLEAN term.

    Personally, I always bathe, swipe on some mascara, put on a good bra - you know "clean myself up" before I have a burger with a fried egg and a pint of stout. I'm definitely eating CLEAN. Clean is good.

    In all seriousness. It's LIFE. Make good choices that you OWN, enjoy your food, relish in treats, find activity you love and ROCK ON. I could probably live on doughnuts for the rest of my life. However, I choose not to do that because I choose NOT to feel and look like a doughnut. Therefore, I include doughnuts in my life, but my eating doesn't revolve around them. Nor does it revolve around kale.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    <----Exhibit one. No, you don't have to eat clean.

    And Exhibit two, for no you don't have to eat clean :smile:

    So what did you mostly eat when trying to lose weight?

    Sometimes I just don't have time to cook and I will eat a Smart One, people say they aren't that healthy but I don't go over in my Macros or Calories, so I don't see them as that bad, but I could be wrong.

    When I was actively losing weight I ate fast food at least three times a week (and none of that subway 'healthy' stuff, I'm talking burgers and fries here lol), frozen entrees (mostly lean cuisines), guzzled diet soda, 'diet' foods (diet hot cocoas, 100 calorie packs etc). Oh and lots of cookies. I just counted calories and watched portion sizes.

    Now I'm in maintenance and I still eat fast food 3-4 times a week, still guzzle diet soda and still eat cookies all. the. time. I no longer eat the frozen entrees or intentionally buy 'diet' food, because I have enough maintenance calories now to eat things like the 700 calorie hot dog lunch I had today :)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Your definition of clean seems to be a bit warped. I try eat mostly whole foods, minimally processed foods, I pasta, burgers and pizza. Yes, I plan to eat this way for the rest of my life.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Sure, you can eat "clean" your whole life. If you think "eating clean" is some sort of crazy restrictive concept and you only eat raw asparagus from your backyard, that's on you.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Your definition of clean seems to be a bit warped. I try eat mostly whole foods, minimally processed foods, I pasta, burgers and pizza. Yes, I plan to eat this way for the rest of my life.

    Probably because everyone's definition of "clean eating" is different.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Of course you can!

    You don't have to though.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    While "eating clean" is admirable, it certainly isn't necessary. I like to urge people to address their negative relationship with food by confronting their love of "junk" and learning portion control. However, when someone is new to eating in a healthy way, it can be a little hard for them to do this as they are mostly focused on the scale.

    So do what you feel is sustainable for your goals. If that means eating clean, so be it. But I do highly suggest that you get your cravings under control so you can enjoy the foods that you love.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I'm curious,

    I originally lost weight, went from 150 to 110 pounds a couple of years ago. I ate CLEAN, I mostly just ate salads, fruit salads, and chicken.

    Then, I gained the weight back, not only was I not eating enough calories when I lost the weight, I was depriving myself of everything I loved. Pasta, burgers, Pizza etc.

    Now, I'm losing weight again, I'm at 130 from 137 and I haven't been eating clean at all.

    If I crave a burger, I will have one. I have cheat days on Saturdays.

    I see some people say they eat egg whites, chicken for lunch (plain chicken), chicken for dinner EVERYDAY. How is that sustainable? If you can do it, good for you, but I would lose my mind.

    I want to lose weight the right way this time, but can I actually achieve the body I want eating everything I want in moderation, or do I have to eat "clean"?

    Weight loss and eating " clean " ( whatever that means ) having nothing to do with each other.
    Since I am not part of the US culture and have lived all of my adult life in under developed countries I have always eaten a " natural " diet and after 45 years of doing so have no plans to change it. I gained a lot of weight from eating too much natural food and after figuring out the correct deficit have so far lost just over 45 pounds since April.
    I have had a slice of pizza ( home made no less ) this weekend ; the first in over 20 years and discovered that I still don't care for it. If I would like and eat fast food I would also incorporate it into my diet, but since I don't care for fast food I don't. I have a wide variety of foods eating indian, thai, other Asian, German ( my home country ), mediterranean, mexican ( the country where I live now ), middle eastern and japanese food and it is beyond me why people assume that eating healthy/natural means restricting one's diet. If people do that, it is because that's what they chose and not what the diet demands.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss.

    If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight.

    Not only will you be unhealthy, but you will be supporting one of the most corrupt companies in the world. (Monsanto)

    Do yourself a favor and eat what comes from the earth. It's not difficult to follow by any means, it's a lifestyle that was followed by our ancestors not so long ago.

    Also, the majority of chicken sold in a public market is no where NEAR clean.

    Ok. I've heard of processed foods like Kraft dinner and Oreos as noted above not being "clean" (not that I agree with labelling food clean or dirty). Supermarket chicken is not clean? Why?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    No you don't have to eat "clean". No, I can't eat clean my whole life. I don't even think I could do it for a day.
  • owngoal64
    owngoal64 Posts: 22 Member
    Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss.

    If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight.

    Not only will you be unhealthy, but you will be supporting one of the most corrupt companies in the world. (Monsanto)

    Do yourself a favor and eat what comes from the earth. It's not difficult to follow by any means, it's a lifestyle that was followed by our ancestors not so long ago.

    Also, the majority of chicken sold in a public market is no where NEAR clean.

    Wow, glad I don't think about such things, I would be afraid to breathe....
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss.

    If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight.

    Not only will you be unhealthy, but you will be supporting one of the most corrupt companies in the world. (Monsanto)

    Do yourself a favor and eat what comes from the earth. It's not difficult to follow by any means, it's a lifestyle that was followed by our ancestors not so long ago.

    Also, the majority of chicken sold in a public market is no where NEAR clean.

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss.

    If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight.

    Not only will you be unhealthy, but you will be supporting one of the most corrupt companies in the world. (Monsanto)

    Do yourself a favor and eat what comes from the earth. It's not difficult to follow by any means, it's a lifestyle that was followed by our ancestors not so long ago.

    Also, the majority of chicken sold in a public market is no where NEAR clean.

    Hmm...please tell me more about these vegetables and chickens you have in your backyard.
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    It's such a relief to see I'm not the only one that doesn't eat clean.

    So as long as I'm in a deficit, I will lose weight?

    Ive had people tell me if I don't eat clean, I wont get a flat stomach with definition, is that true?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Eating clean is important for your health, not just weight loss.

    If your diet consists of mainly processed, boxed "food" full of preservatives and additives, you will be unhealthy regardless of your weight.

    Please tell how unhealthy I am. I would like to know. I don't feel unhealthy. I don't look unhealthy. I am at a healthy BMI, a healthy body fat percentage. I can pick up heavy things. I can ride mountain bikes up mountains. I haven't been sick with anything besides a cold in a very long time.... Enlighten me.
  • pianochick5254
    Of course it is ideal to never consume additives, colorings, high amounts of calories, "imitation food" (oreos, kraft singles, boxed meals, etc) but honestly I don't know anyone that can just not eat these things, at all, ever. I don't see a problem with cheat days where of course its monitored so you didn't get your days calories from doritos alone, however I think that we should be trying to move away from these habits. So honestly I would start with cheat days on Saturdays and then go to every other Saturday being your cheat days where you can eat something junky. It's okay to eat more calories than planned occasionally but making sure they are coming from at least half decent sources is pretty important. If you are craving something sweet on your "inbetween" Saturday, treat yourself to a pile of fruit.

    That's just what I think though. Nobody is perfect, myself included.

    Cookies, cheese and boxed food are imitation foods? Please go on...

    First of all I consider food to be something that grows on trees, bushes, in the ground, basically on a plant or something that is classified as an animal (besides human).



    where is the food? Okay there is flour, cornstarch, salt, and chocolate. Seriously can you argue that this fits into the definition of "food"? any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth?

    Kraft singles? Stove top stuffing? Hamburger Helper? Cheez-its? Crackers? Chef Boyardee?