

  • Levi' favorite and they hold their shape!
  • I'm 7 days in and its working! I log EVERYTHING. Its a great tool! Good Luck!!:wink:
  • Alot dependes on your height, Im 5'8 and 230 wearing a 16 comfortably. Someone shorter at 230 might wear an 18 or 20 and a taller person might be a 12 or 14. :wink:
  • I am new and I see BUMP alot...what is it?
    in detox? Comment by lovenk March 2011
  • Do you talk on the phone alot at work? I found wiping down my hanset cleared up my chin...:happy:
  • Im new tho this but I had that pop up last night when I finished the day. I choked down a yogurt but I was still under my calories for the day. I don't want to slow down and I hear you have to have "fuel" to loose weight so I will try to be as close to my calories as possible. I will do better today (Fat Tuesday) Arrrggg!!…
  • Yes, you will loose boobage, but fortunately the smaller your body gets the larger the boobs will look!!:happy:
  • YES with my dog! As they sit on the couch watching me walk! Great post, I needed a laugh! (Iaughing burns calories!):laugh:
  • Great advice! I love to shop and I need some endorphins!
  • I love to watch her while I'm on the treadmill, She motivates me!!:happy:
    in Ruby Comment by lovenk March 2011
  • LOL! I know EXACTLY how you feel!! :laugh:
  • I would love swimming but I live in a remote area with no YMCA or local pool. I bought the treadmill for the "family" and suprisingly enough they have used it too! So far its good, I also saw the sun come out so I moved all my plants out for spring and have several yard projects in mind that include ALOT of stonework!…
  • The diet stuff YUCK, its the real stuff I have a problem with! I can hear a coke can pop open from 200 yards and OOOH does it sound good! My downfall is fountain soda, like Sonic happy hour ,ARRGG!! I've been off them cold turkey for 6 days now and I do notice a difference but the caffine headaches are a bear! GOOD…
  • Healthy Choice Tuscan Style Chicken (first time) and un-sweet tea, Lemon pie (yes, its yogurt:laugh: ) for an afternoon snack! Hope it's good!
  • Wow! I'm going to add that option to see what mine says! I do the same thing, Splenda, Truvia etc... Thanks for the wake up call, I will check back in to see what kind of advice you get!:noway:
  • This weekend was ok for me but I have to make iced cookies for a friends birthday AND we were invited to a Fat Tuesday party! What do I do about the temptations? I feel bad not joining in! If you don't eat EVERYONE knows your on yet another diet!
  • I like Kix whole grain cereal, fruit chews, raisins or fruit crisps! No need to keep them cold so I make my snacks for the day and throw them in your purse. I portion them out to keep on track :smile: .
  • I've been there too! Alot depends on the jeans, A size 28 in one brand may fit great but in another brand a 28 is too big / small. Try not to think about the size, just find some that feel good! Keep up the good work!