0nesecret Member


  • I wonder if you could share the takeaway from that book? I keep hearing about it but I can't see how it would help
  • How do I go about it? I think I'm in a constant binge state, not really restricting
  • I am aware that I was at an unhealthy weight. I had very disordered relationship with food as well (clearly it lasted but went to the other end of the spectrum). I am not trying to get back down to 45kg, but rather to a healthy weight I feel comfortable at - 52-55 (or really, just to lose the excessive flabs and pudge).…
  • I'm 5'4 / 165 cm I've been quite busy and mostly ashamed to see someone, but seriously thinking about it now. It just might not happen any time soon as I have a lot of deadlines coming up. I may not be overweight but I am far from where I want to be. I do exercise, and I do notice I am putting on muscles... But I can't see…
  • Actually, I said my BMI never went past 19, but over the past year it has reached as low as 16.5. Right now it's around 17.5. And yes, my blood test reveals low estrogen levels (and vitamin D deficiency whoops). My doctor suspects it to be low body weight and nutritional deficiencies.
  • No, in fact I'm really scared of osteoporosis and that's what's prompting me to gain weight fast. I'm hoping that missing one year of period didn't do too much irreversible damage. I don't know if my muscles really atrophied because I did engage in body weight exercises (most were running and HIITs). But I will actually…
  • Well, the skin/fat protrudes and can spill over my pants by a little bit, so I believe they are fat rolls yes. There's something to be pinched and I've actually never managed a completely flat stomach. But I guess that I still don't have enough body fat despite this, especially given by my almost emaciated upper body. I…
  • @paperpudding I took provera orally for 5 days. My period didn't come which shows that I lack estrogen. I went to see a gynecologist and was prescribed to take estrogen and progesterone for 6 months to mimic natural hormones... Eek. But to tackle the real problem I have to gain weight and have a more varied diet. :/ I…
  • Oh no don't get me wrong. Last year I was in a bad place but right now I hardly fear food. I just wondered if big meals are healthy because I've heard that they mess with insulin/blood sugar levels and I just want to feel good. The fat rolls exist, but I've accepted them as an inherent part of me. I have 0 fat in my upper…
  • I use Nike+ running app to estimate my burns (from running), and I don't like weighing/measuring portions because I don't want to be too obsessive & I don't own a scale. I can open up my diary now but I honestly eat the weirdest things at the weirdest time and I can eat a lot in one seating... and I pretty much eat…
  • How do I get my body fat tested?
  • Shame. Lactose intolerant here!
  • Frankly, I don't really have energy problems, so I'm probably consuming enough protein to avoid that. I'll still try to up my protein and decrease my fruit intake. I feel like it's hard to hit protein goals with nuts though. You'd have to consume a lot of nuts but I don't really want to do that as they're very high in…
  • Well, I just downed two handfuls of nuts after that and pulled my protein to about 53g today. Unfortunately I am nearing the end of my calorie limit but I'll try to ramp up my protein from now on. and it's true that I don't eat a lot of fat either. I don't know exactly how much you need but I'm getting 20-40g on average.
  • Would protein make a difference? I don't tend to eat a lot of protein. In fact, I stay under on most days - just because I don't particularly like meat.
  • The reasons why I don't use weights are because I don't have them, can't buy them for now, and I don't have convenient access to a gym.
  • This is quite ironic because I live in an Asian community and am partially Asian. Anyway, I realized that there's no need to fear carbs but they DO tend to be less fulfilling it seems....
  • But am I correct to assume that weight loss is still 100% calorie intake/outtake? and I suppose I understand that protein is essential to preserve muscles.
  • Well that's disappointing :frown: Thanks everyone. I'm not too worked up over this; I just find it incredulous that a small pizza like that could have up to 1000 calories. Eek. Oh well. Next time I'll split it.
  • I actually watched them make it (it's an open-faced kitchen kind of thing). I have no idea about the dough but they just taste very thin/crispy and plain but I can't be sure about the ingredients. Definitely couldn't feel oil though. I don't know about the sauce either - I'm expecting a traditional canned tomato sauce. The…
  • They all have cheese though, which is highly calorific. I suppose it's possible, but I feel doubtful. An average 9" thin crust pizza base is around 350-400 calories. The one I had wasn't as big as a full 9 inches. Half a cup of traditional pizza sauce is less than 100 calories The veggies themselves can't have that many…
  • 1200 calories for that pizza seems a bit ridiculous though. It was really only 7" with nothing but tomato sauce (wasn't that much either, as can kind of be seen in the picture) and some vegetables. It's roughly as big as both my hands placed next to one another.
  • Actually it was freshly baked.
  • Exactly as it is in the picture, so 6 slices. Seems strange that I didn't feel stuffed after eating 900 calories then (I ate mung bean soup and a pear after :noway: )
  • Actually I measured the box and it's slightly less than 8 inches. I'm guessing the pizza was really around 7 inches in diameter.