i log it under circuit training but if you want to know the exact or aprox. i'd buy a hrm. I did and i was burning more calories than i truely thought.
I LOVE trail mix. you could even make your own with just about any kind of nut, dried berries, dried fruit, unbuttered popcorn.
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember when I was finally able to do that...i think i did a little happy dance in the bathroom and then came out and showed my husband. I was like notice anything. He kinda looked at me funny, and i i said...IT FITS!! Then again he looked at me funny, i explained to him that i haven't been able…
I found that running on a treadmill was much harder than running on pavement. I have a friend who is also a personal trainer and he recommended running on pavement. When I took his advice it was much easier and alot more visual stimulating than staring at my basement wall ;-)
Thank you everyone for your input. I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT IT BEING PROCESSED. DUH on my part. and a few people compared it to HOTDOGS...I HATE HOT DOGS...barf. Got alot of input. I appreciate it all.
maybe i should have gone into more detail. oops my bad. but we weren't really talking about taste or personal preference, just on a nutritional basis.
Thanks does feel pretty fantastic. yeah i'm 6' . it's always hard to find jeans that fit and long enough :)
Went shopping today for new jeans. I bought a size 16, the last time i bought jeans they were a size 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i jumped for joy in the fitting room!!
thanks everyone!!!just wanted to make sure! appreciate it!
well there were 2 peices but it look liked they took the entire loaf and cut it in half then cut it in half again..which leads me to believe it was a half..just want to make sure
Thanks all..the advice was great and so were all the links!
is a mat really necessary? just curious, i'm starting today and i don't have a mat. think i"ll be ok for a few days until i get one?
fire roasted tomatoes--suggested by a friend. I have always wanted to try hummus but was always curious of what exactly it tasted like, guess i won't find out until i actually try it!
I see that you take a calcium supp. may i suggest that most people who take calcium also take a vit. d supp. Most calcium supp.s have vit d in them but some dont at the same time. the vit. d helps the calcium absorb into your system better:)
this site is truely amazing! i had a friend reccomend it to me and i just love it. there is tons and tons of support here and more advice than you;ll know what to do with! Welcome and good luck on your journey!
Thanks everyone :) I really needed all of that, i'm glad to know their are people in the same boat as i am and know how i feel. I appreciate it.
that recipe sounds AmAzInG...i will definately be trying it!
Thanks everyone, and yeah i need to get a heart rate monitor for a more accurate count..:)