

  • I've been using a stationary bike for 20-30 minutes a day, but I'm starting on walks today. I feel self conscious when I run, so I'm thinking I might start taking runs, or jogs, at night when everyone else is asleep >.<.
  • 200 squat challenge? I haven't heard of it. Is it like this push-up challenge sort of?
  • Thanks, that helps me a lot! :happy: I'll try and start some of those today; I have problems following a plan if I don't write things down, so I'll try and start keeping track of everything in one spot :].
  • Thank you all, the advice you've given me is all great and really helpful :]. My Calorie Counter on here says that I should have 1200 Calories a day, so I'm trying to shoot for that, but I cook all my meals at home pretty much from scratch, so it is hard to know exactly how many Calories I'm getting! Thanks for the tips!…
  • I have hypothyroidism, which means that I have to take pills {Synthroid in my case} to help boost my thyroid levels up to where they should be. It sounds like what you have is hyperthyroidism, so it's the exact opposite. Your levels are too high. It's harder to treat than hypothyroidism, and can be much more dangerous. If…
  • Wow, thanks! That sounds like a great meal, I'll definitely try it soon! :smile:
  • Thank you all so much! I was surprised and happy to get replies so soon! I will try and remember all of those.:happy:
  • I'll join! I've been looking for a good plan like this for a while. I have a feeling I'll be ranked 1 though, haha.
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