KeyMasterOfGozer Member


  • Myth. You will need to take 300 or more milligrams of Caffeine before a diuretic effect becomes measurable. Maybe a after couple of pots of coffe, or 20 glasses of soda.
  • Actually, a lot of Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts are injected with Broth, which is nominally to keep it moist after it has been frozen and thawed for shipping, but it also adds water weight and sodium. All are not the same, but that is not saying one is better or worse.
  • No correct. Caffeine only acts as a diuretic if the amount is in the range of 300mg. There is no significant effect until that level is reached. So, you would need to drink 15 servings of soda before your reach that level.
  • Nobody here said that 1 pound of muscle weighs more than 1 pound of fat. Saying that muscle weighs more than fat is correct. Everyone here knows that this implies that a given volume of muscle is heavier than the same given volume of fat. Also, volume is measured in cubic inches, not square inches.
  • Take a look at this and pay attention to the "eating-all-of-your-calories-bmr" one.
  • I never eat breakfast. Eating at a certain time of day or eating a number of times a day does not have any effect on your metabolism. These are both huge urban legends that get perpetuated ad infinitum.
  • Yeah, that's just the exchange rate.
  • I would say it is better to have both in your arsenal. If calories is not a problem for this day, and you are meeting your other goals, then eat full fat. If you need more protein, or just don't have the caloric headroom, then eat low fat items. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with fat, I believe most doctors…
  • This. That site will help you get started. It tells you how to make your push-ups easier and work up to getting the real thing done. For instance, you can do push-ups against a wall. The farther you move your feet away from the wall, the harder the push ups become until you are eventually flat on…
  • This is a beef I've had a long time, and I will preface that I am not a doctor, even if I am a scientist, and there may be some factors I don't know about. My thought is that claiming any set number of sodium needed for all people is pretty suspect. It seems to me that people of different sizes are going to have different…
  • I like the taste of Duke's Light Mayonnaise. Also, you can replace some or all of the Mayo with fat free sour cream, or greek yogurt in order to cut the calories and still get some creaminess. Also, another substitute might be Laughing Cow Cheese.
  • It really depends on if you are asking Men or Women. Most men would probably not really think much about it. Women in general are much more... finicky, about themselves and other women (from an aesthetic perspective). Of course, this is only a generality, and there are excepts, but for my part, I don't think it detracts at…
  • He's lucky to have you then. Unfortunately, he doesn't sound very much like me at all, since I tend to obsess over research and technology, so I'm not sure I can recommend any particular books the he would be into. My only advice would be to look at labels and make sure he understands the amounts of nutrients he needs…
  • Research is really the only way if he is not willing to use Technology to his advantage. He needs to learn what his body needs for nutrition, then he needs to research everything he wants to eat to see what nutritional value it provides him. Or he could use something like MFP to do all that for him and just tell him right…
  • You should use Excel or some spreadsheet to plot what your EXPECTED gains are from week to week while you are pregnant, so you can see what you log in relation to what you should be rather than in relation to your non-pregnant weight. That way you can keep yourself in check, while still gaining enough weight to be healthy…
  • That's not true at all. For illustration, you can hold a 50 pound weight in each hand, do curls lifting your hand ans weight up to your shoulder for as long as you can. Then a few days later do the same thing with a 10 pound weight. Then a few days later do the same with no weight at all in your hand. You could see how you…
  • Here is someone changing it back from German: Might be similar?
  • Propaganda. Notice how the top row are candid surprise shots that are especially unflattering to those women. the bottom row are all staged shots in very flattering poses.
  • You can't eat "calories". Calories are a measure of energy. You get calories from eating Carbs, Fat and Protein. When you exercise, your total calories go up, but that must be accommodated by also raising your Carbs, Fat and Protein proportionally to your settings. That's where the Calories come from.
  • Weighing everyday would probably be too much noise, but weighing weekly can let you know if what you are doing is on track. Weighing is not as important as "measuring", though, so you could use an alternate measuring like measuring inches. Especially is you are exercising, you could easily run into a time when you need to…
  • I use it and love it. My sister claims it has a "taste" and won't eat it.
  • Com on!, the study doesn't say that it is bad to eat breakfast, it jsut says there is no metabolic extra bonus for eating breakfast. Of course you should eat if you are hungry. However, if you are not hungry, then you should not "force" your self to eat.
  • Water transfers heat 24 times more quickly than air. You should do you work siting in a cool tepid tub instead. @perdie7: Get rid of your turtleneck and sweater and you probably would lose a little extra. :)
  • There are a lot of ways to do this. 1) Eye-ball a 1/4th or 1/8th or what ever is convenient portion, and use that. 2) Measure the weight in grams of the finished recipe, then make a determination of a good way to divide that number. Then weigh out portions in relation to that weight. 3) Measure our the entire recipe in…
  • I weigh in every day. Actually, I also weigh at several points in the day, just so I can get an idea of how my weight normally fluctuates, but I only log it in MFP in the morning before I eat or drink, after I relieve myself. Your weight will fluctuate, sometimes wildly depending on lots of things like salt intake the day…
  • It is possible to drink enough water fast enough to kill you. It can trow off teh electrolyte balance inside your cells (the fluid in your cells is made up of salt water). This is the opposite of what happens if you eat too much salt. Either way can kill you. the good news is, you would probably have to drink several…
  • Your Mileage May Vary Women on this site use TOM a lot, and it took me months to figure out what they were talking about, and of course I refused to ask. You are obviously braver than me. :)
  • Look for foods with high unsaturated fats, especially mono-unsaturated fats. Those kinds of fats work to make you blood triglycerides and cholesterol better. Anything with high fats will get you more calories for less full. People are giving good examples above, like Nuts and Nut Butters. Hummus has some carbs, but it also…
  • As I understand it, for a certain time window after exercise, your muscles will put out a hormone that encourages nutrients to be absorbed into the muscles. From what I've read, the closer to your exercise that you can eat, the better you can take advantage of that, up to about 2 hours after you exercise. Keep in mind that…
  • If you drink more water than your body needs, it has to get rid of it, or you will go into water toxicity and die. I don't think your bladder will get bigger, so I don't think you will "get used to it" other than you will find it normal to go to the bathroom more often.