kimking6 Member


  • Hi! I'm a 36 year old mother of 2 boys. One is almost 19 and one is 10. My husband and I own a pizza shop and I also work a full time job. I had weight loss surgery last June and have kinda been at a stand still with my weight loss I have about 25 more pounds to go to reach my goal. Add me please!
  • Same here feel free to add me :wink: Anyone else needing support and help feel free to add me as well!! :happy:
  • I am fairly new here too. I am looking for all the support I can get. And I would love to be able to help you out!! :wink: Feel free to add me to your friends!!
  • I would love to have support and give support throught this journey we both are on. This is my second time on here and I really want to change my life and help inspire others to do the same thing. I also quit smoking on July 20, 2013 at 10am. I did it on my own and it is the first step to taking my life in a healthy…
  • I too would be excited to be under 200!! I could use additional motivation and encouragement too. You could add me we might be able to help each other!!:happy:
  • Hello, I joined in November and I lost 8 lbs.....however I got off track and made excuses. But I am now back and ready to really do takes encouragement and motivation from others too. So add me if you like and maybe we can help each other!!.... I started at 273 and right now I am back to where I started:(
  • Hello Sue, I too need all the help I can get. I am just getting back in the swing of it. I lost 8 lbs when I first joined in November but I have strayed away but now I am back. So please feel free to add me as a friend!!:wink:
  • Hi I am also fairly new here. I am getting back in the swing with no more excuses!! However I am looking for friends for motivation and encouragement. So you can add me if you like!!