A lot to lose. Need support.



  • Lexi0405
    Lexi0405 Posts: 4 Member
    You can do this! I too quit smoking, it is really hard, but at least we could just quit. Unfortunately we can't just "quit" eating, or "quit" exercising. We have to find a way to eat healthy, and exercise correctly. I keep reading the success stories of others, and just hope that this time I can be one of them. I am trying this time to do it with support of friends here, and will give you support as well.
  • Irishgirl07
    Irishgirl07 Posts: 5 Member
    I sent a request and anyone can feel free to add me!! This is also my third time coming back to MFP. I am looking to lose over 100 pounds too, so I could really use some more motivating friends! Together, we can get through the lazy and tempting days!
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Hi! I feel for you. It sounds like you have had a terrible time of it. Well done on kicking the smoking habit; that's amazing and you should be really proud of yourself. I started at around 229lbs and am working towards 154lbs ( I'm 5ft 11). Anyway, would love to support you; I'll send a friend request.
  • mind over matter. Some days i feel like sh#t and dont even want to move, the thought of lifting weights are too much and the junk food is calling my name. i have quotes and pictures all over of what i want to eventually look like. When the going gets hard just think of the reason you started in the first place, everyone has there bad days just dont let them get you down and refocus because everyday is a new day to be better. Ill leave you with this ~~

    If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.
    Henry Ford

    you can do it :)
  • I need to lose 2 to 3 stone im defo a yo -yo dieter im sick of being wobbly I really want to lose the weight for good this time and not give up iv started my diet and joined the gym I would love some support too so I never go back and stick to this!! any help would be great thank u :)
  • Zvijerijer
    Zvijerijer Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I will gladly support you, also have a long way to go, request sent :smile:
  • you can do this the fact that you are looking for support is a huge step I lost more than 200 pounds still working to reach my goal 60 pounds left if I did it you can do it too.
  • Hi There!
    Just wanted to suggest a couple things..... Walk as much as you can. set your goal for 30 min a day and try and add at least 1 min on to that every day. Walking uses fat as fuel where most other workouts use carb consumed calories from that day(Your body will use the easiest form of fuel for energy during activity which is carbs ....but when your body is walking your body switches to a fat burn, yes it is less amount of calories burned then a aerobic workout ,but it burns existing fat and helps you get to a physically better place and get you ready to do an aerobic workout..... Walking is the best way to start dropping body fat immediately. You need to break your fitness up into understandable sections This is what I did:

    1.Walk 30 min+ a day ( during the summer I walk anywhere from 3-9 miles a day)
    2.Stay within your calorie intake so you dont add "fuel" you wont burn in that day, what you dont burn will convert to fat!
    3500 calories makes 1 lb of body fat. if you are 500 calories over your personal calorie intake amount every day, in one week you will gain 1 lbs. This is why watching your calorie intake is so important.
    3. Get off any artifical sweetners they are toxic and can supress weight loss. and like POISON in your body.
    4.Dropping as much wheat products out of your diet
    5.Refuse to eat fastfood. look at fastfood like an abusive Ex boyfriend. It is a toxic food and does nothing for you. If you must eat fastfood refuse to put trash in your beautiful body, only eat the salads...and never put salad dressing on the salad only dip each bite into it...just for a taste not to drown your healthy meal. ( dressings are very high in calories)
    6.start substituting full fat foods for less fat foods a little here a little there is wonderful, instead of butter on potatoes use sourcream, instead of butter on pancakes use a lowfat yogurt (probiotic) instead of pan frying bacon put it a cookie cooling rack set inside a cookie sheet in the oven on broil....you will be shocked how it turns out better than pan fried and 1/2 the calories.
    7. Get a drinking cup (16-32oz) always keep this with you where ever you go. keep water and 1/4 scoop of Country time lemonade(not sugarfree)....just enough to taste. This is a low calorie drink that you will get your daily water intake, and you will get a little citric acid which will help with digestion.
    8. Magnisium, B Complex Vitamins will give you energy! most women lack Magnisium in their diet.
    9. For every 30 workouts you do buy yourself something to do with fitness. It doesnt have to be expensive, just a reward for your work. I bought a workout outfit when I would complete a month worth of workouts. NEVER REWARD YOURSELF WITH FOOD OR DRINK. Food and drink should not be viewed as your pleasures, they should be viewed as fuel. A love affair with food is why people cant get control of their weight. People use food as a emotional pleasure. Keep a tray of carrots, celery, and other high fiber and crunchy veggies, in your fridge easy accessible, so when you are having a food craving you will have healthy food already prepared waiting for you!
    10. Do not watch TV unless you are working out. Get a Gazelle or walking machine of some kind and make a deal with yourself, you can watch your favorite program...but you have to workout while you are watching it.

    These are just some of the things I have done and the results have been fantastic. its easy and realistic
    Never jump into a fitness routine, start every weight loss with walking. Walking will help your heart, bones, muscle function, resperation, Heart rate, and will help you lose the weight. once you have been walking and have control over your calorie intake, than proceed to the next step of fitness and get into a low impact resistance routine and dont stop walking!! add time to your walking, or speed. Constantly try and improve your walking with distance or speed..... The key to fitness success is being mentally prepared. You have to take baby steps and train your body to like what you are making it do. Getting fit is a very emotional process. Be good to yourself and learn to love yourself. Make your walking time your personal growth time. listen to an audio book, or take a audio class online...make phone calls to your family and friends while you are walking.
    Your goal should be becoming the best YOU possible. Its not just about what you look like, but it is about what you are willing to do for yourself, its about fighting for yourself and becoming strong and resilient. its about being a fighter and a warrior and not a victim anymore. Be powerful and couragous everyday...Be the badass you know you are deep inside and use that badass inside to fight for you daily. To be successful you have to decide to no longer be a victim to the things that are hurting you or what has hurt you...they only have power over you when you allow them to control who you are. You become powerful when you decide to be stronger and take control, accepting responsibility for your outcome and refuse to be a victim anymore.
    This is the rule I live by.

    Please feel free to contact me anytime if you need encouragement or have questions!
    Good luck.
  • Hey guys! I'm Jessica and I'm new here! I am looking for new friends and encouragement! So please feel free to add me! Thanks!
  • Hello! I am here in the boat with you! I am currently at 237 with a goal of 140 pounds. We can do this! I have finally reached a point in my life where I believe that. You are not in this alone!
  • Feel free to add me! :)
  • Develop a serious salad addiction. Shop for interesting raw veg and fruits, and gorge yourself on leafy stuff (adding a little bit of lean meat and wholegrains) until you have little room left for the unhealthy foods.
  • MarcieDixon
    MarcieDixon Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to be your weight loss friend. Honey I weighed almost 500#'s when I started this journey. I did have surgery and have lost 200 pounds from that surgery. To lose the rest I am having to work really hard now. I have now lost 49 pounds with diet and working out at the gym. It's not easy but so worth it. You can do this. I know you can.
    We'll support each other. Eat clean and move. Start slow and increase your moving slowly. Before you know it people will start asking what you're doing because you are looking awesome. Take it a few pounds at a time.
  • kimking6
    kimking6 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to have support and give support throught this journey we both are on. This is my second time on here and I really want to change my life and help inspire others to do the same thing. I also quit smoking on July 20, 2013 at 10am. I did it on my own and it is the first step to taking my life in a healthy direction. So feel free to add me to your friiends and hopefully we can do it as a team!! :wink:
  • Always happy to offer support & really appreciate it back. Feel free to add me :)
  • ShelleyTurgeon
    ShelleyTurgeon Posts: 95 Member
    Add me for some support... have a lot to lose too ... we can lean on eachother
  • MFP is a great way to stay motivated! I have used it several time with close friends, but most don't stick to it, which is fine, but I use the logging of others to stay motived. If I see someone logging healthy food and eating low calorie meals, it will make me feel guilty about eating cheeseburger lol. So making your diary viewable to friends helps me out. I hope that my friends see what I eat and will get motivated by the healthy items and tell me no about the bad food decisions. feel free to add me and we can all keep each other motivated!!
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you, that is some great advice. I was kinda wondering if my goal,weight was too much to start with. I'll be happy just getting to 199.0 lbs. maybe I'll set my goal to 175. It is so awesome to have all this great advice. I will be checking out food diaries to get some ideas and I would love for others to check out mine and help me. Getting up off my butt is going to be tough but being held accountable will be all the difference.
  • EHolstrom
    EHolstrom Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hello! Althought i dont have hypothyroidism (that i know of) my mom has it. And i am also a recent soking quitter too. June 22nd so 7 months today(yay!) I have about 130lbs to .feel free to add me(anyone). I try to be on everyday and comment on everyones post to sho encouragement.
  • I was 218 pounds, now im 140 pounds. ADD me if you like....

    Together is vetter than alone