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A lot to lose. Need support.



  • MissKarlee89
    MissKarlee89 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey! I have a lot to lose too, need to stay motivated and determined to do this, I log every day and I'm always on here if anyome fancies a chat! Add me :) x
  • ballen1
    ballen1 Posts: 3 Member
    I just added you! Congrats on quiting smoking, that's a great accomplishment! If anything I hope it showed you the strong, willed person you are and that you are able to accomplish other goals too. I have been looking for more buddies so anyone can add me. It really helps having the extra support and seeing others succeed.
  • jkm92
    jkm92 Posts: 6 Member

    I also am going for third time lucky on here!

    I have a goal of loosing 59 lbs to start with, i'm 10 days and 2 lbs into that! and it gets easier everyday!

    feel free to add me for support (that goes for everyone!), as i really need it too, being at uni, where everyone is constantly eating and drinking what they want, it gets really hard to stay motivated, especially as you have to plan all three meals the day before and take then with you!

    Congratz on 6 months smoke free! wee can do this!

  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Thank you, that is some great advice. I was kinda wondering if my goal,weight was too much to start with. I'll be happy just getting to 199.0 lbs. maybe I'll set my goal to 175. It is so awesome to have all this great advice. I will be checking out food diaries to get some ideas and I would love for others to check out mine and help me. Getting up off my butt is going to be tough but being held accountable will be all the difference.

    Hello I have a goal that I plan to reassess one I get there but because I have a lot of weight to loose I create short term goals eg I want to be under 115 kg by ... Etc I find the small successes spur me on to the next step.

    I've just come back onto MFP after a year off and this time I'm doing the community thing and have made friends and that has helped so much. The encouragement I've received from people I've just met is amazing ind chatting through the newsfeed is pretty great.
  • i will love to support you as well.
  • You sound to be on the right track. You have over come some of the hardest things for a person to endure and losing the weigh will be just one more thing to add to that track record. It will be like leaving the pass behind and becoming a new, better you ready to take on the world. I will be here as a supporter. I have been struggling with extra weight my entire time and although I know an aweful lot as I studied to be a dietician for a few year (switched major the last year due to not agreeing with the government and the way they push diets) after two children I 50 pounds to lose to be at a healthy weight of 115 pounds. I have some underlining health issues like Fibromyalgia and abdomen pain that has yet to be resolved, even after having to get my appendix and gall bladder removed in early 20s. I beleive that good nutrition and exercise can help manage just about any chronic illness and after lots "I don't know what is wrong with you" from Doctors. I have decided that it is time to put my money back in my pocket and hit the gym, load my kitchen up with fresh local whole foods and start living for real!!!
  • I have 50lbs. to lose and it's seems like a lost cause sometimes, but this year I am going to do it! Feel free to add me I have been on here since the beginning of the year and am on here everyday!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    You have already proven that you have what it takes to lose weight by quitting that other difficult addiction--smoking. Good For You!! When you were quitting smoking you probably weren't thinking about next year when you would be an ex-smoker but about getting through today and tomorrow. Weight loss is the same. We can get so overwhelmed by the thought of losing 80 pounds that we don't try. But you nailed it. If we don't try we CAN'T succeed. Work on today, and then tomorrow. Celebrate each victory. I know from personal experience that when you have a lot to lose a one or two pound loss doesn't sound like much. But 80 pounds is only 40 sets of two pounds. Good luck. You can do this. It is a difficult journey but it is so worth it.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Believing is the first step to achieving! Congratulations on a winning attitude.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Congrats on your terrific loss!!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    fell free to add me but note i only support those that give mutual support

    good luck
  • I also have a major amount to lose. Minimum of 60 pounds but would prefer 70. I take some steroid based meds for asthma that hinder weight loss not to mention getting older which also seems to make it harder. I turn 50 this year and my goal is to be the fittest I have been since college. I want to be able to be that person who you meet and people say "NO WAY you are 50!" I am currently doing P90X and unfortunately, it isn't working as I'd hoped so far, but I am going to keep with it until the end. I think I need a more cardio based workout next time so we shall see. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome! First I want to say mind over matter if you want it you will do it NO EXCUSES!! I use to weight 330pds I could barely move but I did it! I quit with the poor me crap and I did it and I didnt stop I lost 138pds and kept it off for 5 years before becoming pregnant and gaining too much back! Here I am again doing it! I have 55pds left to lose and each day other pound comes off the better I feel! Good luck your mind set and you will do it!
  • Hi there, I am brand new to this too. I'm 27, 5'5 and 265 lbs. Scary number to see on the scale, but we can fix it! I am here to support you too, and look at all the love from everyone else. How neat :)
  • clairer217
    clairer217 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, let me first say CONGRATS for kicking cancer's butt and for giving up smoking. Those are two HUGE accomplishments!!! I really enjoy working out and eating healthy but I struggle with portion control. I have just started back on the calorie counting thing, but I really don't enjoy doing it. Are you on Facebook? I have a fitness and health accountability group I run!! I'd love to have you in the group!
  • Shannieg755
    Shannieg755 Posts: 9 Member
    You can do this....you've already proven your strength by quitting smoking! You obviously have dedication & care about your health. Good luck!
  • Lots of support here but feel free to add me, too! I'm new to MFP but have done countless "diets" throughout my life, including my first at the age of 10 or 11. I, too, have a lot of weight to lose - about 75 pounds - and know it's REALLY hard. But I want it so bad. I know this type of model works - the accountability, the support, the tracking - as I've done WW and been super successful. Only thing is I gained all of that back through pregnancy and, well, have been so lazy after my son was born. Let us help each other!! I'm proud of you for reaching out for help - that's a great first step! And wow, what a fighter you are - quitting smoking, kicking cancer. You can do this. :)
  • missemmamm
    missemmamm Posts: 15 Member
    I wish you luck. My mother once had a weight loss of around that much when she was 50 so it is possible. I've added you.

    I also suffer from anxiety and pain issues. I have sent you a request.