zenlegend Member


  • just be true to yourself. most americans have a skewed food about the amount of food we need to consume- in fact what a lot of people eat in a meal is enough for a whole day LOL- There may be some jealousy there too
  • if you can't brown bag it I like to order steamed chicken with broccolli with the sauce on the side and brown rice from my chinese food spot
  • we've all been there.... work on eating 4 small meals through the day and control your blood sugar by eating lean protein with each one of those smallmeals. that's what works for me. happens to everyone dont kick yourself. everyday is a freshstart.
  • wow you sound just like how i was 2 months ago. i wasalso was having a real hard time dropping any weight. even though I was doing crazy cardio and starving myself. the starving myself and cardio only was the wrong way to go. i second everything said here. here is some things I did that followed those principles i started…