Family Opinions

vaughn6815 Posts: 2
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello Everybody. I am new here and have had a huge lifestyle change over the past year losing 80 pounds. I am five pounds away from my goal weight, but of course those last 5/10 are the hardest to lose.

Anywho.... I am having trouble with my family "weighing in" their opinions on my "diet." My dad thinks I am starving myself and my sister agrees. I am not starving myself. I don't think they really understand that food is the problem. I LOVE FOOD! It's the stopping that's the problem. Everyday I take in 1500 calories and I go to the gym 2/3 times a week. There is nothing excessive or dangerous about the way I am changing my life and they continue to hound me about it.

On top of that, just yesterday I had a co-worker's boyfriend ask if i have been sick and that's the reason I have lost weight. What's the deal? I am not excessively skinny! I was 240 pounds! I am now 160 which is healthy for my height! I am still a size 10! I am not a wafer! I am not sure what to say to these questions.

Has anyone else encountered this same problem? How should I handle this?


  • vaughn6815
    vaughn6815 Posts: 2
    Hello Everybody. I am new here and have had a huge lifestyle change over the past year losing 80 pounds. I am five pounds away from my goal weight, but of course those last 5/10 are the hardest to lose.

    Anywho.... I am having trouble with my family "weighing in" their opinions on my "diet." My dad thinks I am starving myself and my sister agrees. I am not starving myself. I don't think they really understand that food is the problem. I LOVE FOOD! It's the stopping that's the problem. Everyday I take in 1500 calories and I go to the gym 2/3 times a week. There is nothing excessive or dangerous about the way I am changing my life and they continue to hound me about it.

    On top of that, just yesterday I had a co-worker's boyfriend ask if i have been sick and that's the reason I have lost weight. What's the deal? I am not excessively skinny! I was 240 pounds! I am now 160 which is healthy for my height! I am still a size 10! I am not a wafer! I am not sure what to say to these questions.

    Has anyone else encountered this same problem? How should I handle this?
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    i find often that criticism is inked with jealousy, either that or they are genuinely concerned for you. As to the co-worker's boyfriend, maybe he made that comment because he hasn't seen you in a while and it's such a drastic change (often men say things without thinking how others might percieve them!!!!) Good luck with your last 5 pounds :flowerforyou:
  • zenlegend
    zenlegend Posts: 4 Member
    just be true to yourself. most americans have a skewed food about the amount of food we need to consume- in fact what a lot of people eat in a meal is enough for a whole day LOL-

    There may be some jealousy there too
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Like Rebecca said, could be they are just concerned about you also. My Dad to this day tells me that I am too skinny and that he has never thought of me as fat. He says I was just a 'big healthy boy'. I weighed almost 300 pounds at one point, and I was indeed fat, but my family didn't see me that way. So when I lose back down to where I am close to where I want to be they are concerned, especially those who haven't seen me in a while.
  • I think it's time to educate them..not about losing weight, but just a healthy lifestyle in general, which includes nutrition and exercise. I do think AMercicans thought processes are very skewed when it comes to this issue.

    Be proud, keep up the good work!!!
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    Congrats on you weight loss, that is a wonderful accomlishment! And as long as you are eating healthy and taking in a healthy amount of calories, then don't let any critism or snide remarks bring you down. Whenever a comment is made you can let them know that you are happy and satisfied with the positive lifestyle changes you have made to become a healthier person, and that you have reached this in a safe and healthy way, eating right and exercising.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    It can be jealousy, and it could also be the fact that they are still stuck in seeing the "old you" sounds like your doing your diet healthy to me and this site could only further your motovation that you are doing well and on the right track. I wanted to also tell you that is sooo AWESOME how much weight you have lost your really a role model. Keep it going as long as your doing it healthy and you are happy with yourself it really doesn't matter what others say.:drinker:
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    i used to be really skinny weighing about 108lbs, but after giving births to 3 boys i'm now 143lbs. everytime when someone sees me, especially family members, they said i've gotten fat. it's just that your family aren't used seeing you at a smaller size or bigger size so they are just concerned. i know i'm not humongous or anything like that but i would like to lose about 25lbs to make myself healthy.
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    My grandparents consequently tell me I'm skinny and they give me food all the time :laugh:
    This is their way to show they care, hehe. I can't change it, I can just accept it :smile:

    My mother (size 16-18, was always having weight problems) sometimes says I'm to slim. The other day she asks me why I can't loose some weight and look like one of my friends (size 2, her mother is size 0 I guess...).
    It sucks that our families can't be our support, but, well... the only thing we can do is to ignore :ohwell:

    Positive thing is that my constant talk about calories, fiber, full grains etc made my mom buy more healthy foods. As you can see educating your family can help, hehe. For sure they will look at you as if you're a freak for some time but it's worth it :wink:
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