What are you wow'ing about? Show me your indisputable proof that distilled water is harmful.
There is no definitive proof that distilled water is bad for you. So we should drink all of the contaminants in the water just to get a trace amount of minerals? You can get all of the minerals you need from food. There was a study done that showed how much tap water you'd have to drink each day to get your recommended…
The above excerpt came from someone who has studied water for years and also studied alongside of Dr. Mu Shik Jon, a Korean scientist who spent decades researching the properties of water. What does that have to do with trolling?
Kirlian photography has shown energy fields around living objects.
Here is an excerpt which talks about the water not holding its structure for long. Q: If hydrogen bonds in water only last nanoseconds, how can you maintain water’s structure? A: The new sciences are beginning to look at many things from an energetic perspective—including water. In fact, they are beginning to define life…
Calling something quackery just because you don't agree with it? You mention science but yet automatically dismiss the work of a bioengineer who has actually done research on the matter. I suppose you know more than him? I also find it funny that just because someone doesn't understand or agree with something they have to…
That's not true. Water molecules can respond to sound and light. Living water is water’s liquid crystalline phase where the molecules create a repeating geometric pattern similar to the molecular pattern in a solid quartz crystal. Although the molecules remain mobile, they move together as a coherent “whole.” Ice has a…
You can purchase items to structure your own water (preferably after it's been purified first). Clayton Nolte makes some good ones and there is also the Vitalizer Plus that works well. Both are expensive up front but Clayton's are a one time purchase that requires no ongoing maintenance costs and will last for years.
I have a distiller that I use at home to purify my tap water. Even after distilling one gallon there is some white residue left over at the bottom of the distiller. I distill 1-2 gallons a day and after a week there is a hard layer of white crust stuck to the bottom of the distiller that can only be removed by a chemical…
It's best to leave things the way nature intended. Many people drink skim milk because they think all fat is bad for you. There is a reason why milk contains fat to begin with. Most people aren't aware of how skim milk is even made, it's pretty disgusting. Fat-free milk used to be an industrial waste product after the…
I'm a fan of structured water, but not alkaline water. Structured water is found in nature, alkaline water is not. Any time you stray away from what nature intended it can create problems. Drinking high ph water does not alkalize the body properly. Lemons are one of the most acidic foods on the planet but yet when it is…
@Glynn20 Absolutely
@MrsBooBear No, unfortunately
@yvie63 Anything but pass :)
Thank you! :)
Glad it's mutual ;)
Good eye hahaha
@Glynn20 Great smile, beautiful face and great body!
@hezemakiah Gorgeous
Of course haha
@yvie63 Oh yeh
Multiple night stands
Nice :)
No but you sure are beautiful
Yes they absolutely do! Haha
Ok, how about half a bag and a big hug from me??
Ok ok just half a bag! :# haha
Absolutely not......I would actually advise 2 entire bags B)