dunq13 Member


  • Did this for about a week and a half. My calorie and water intake was totally normal--I usually eat between 1300-1600 (with exercise calories) and a gallon+ of water daily. Ate lots of lean proteins, veggies, a couple pieces of fruit, threw in a couple of healthy fats-- honestly, not too much different from my normal day.…
  • I love your post because I could have wrote it myself! I'm almost the same stats. 5'7, started mid 140's. I'm now closer to 135-138 and I'm happy with it. Still have a few lbs left to shred and some muscle to gain...but that's another story. While my boyfriend comments on my weight loss in positive ways, too, he is SO hung…
  • Cant wait to try it!
  • looks amazing...
  • I, too, have a super long commute (about an hour)...on TOP of a 10+ hour work day, plus grad school. When I get home from work I am far too tired to do much of anything...plus I think being in the comfort of my own home has a psychological effect that makes me wanna sit on my couch and be lazy. I'm not much of a morning…
  • I am truly fascinated. I realized that body types differed, but this amazes me for some reason. I've never been a size 14...but at 5'7, I currently weigh between 135-140 lbs and I'm a size 8. At 145 lbs, I was wearing size 10s. I blame my a** for this. Small waist, Kim K. behind....
  • Im with you. I'm 5'7 and my weight fluctuates between 139-145. I can usually get to 138 before I start gaining again . My present goal weight is 135...I WILL get there. I've been down to as low as 130 in recent years, but at that weight I start to look scary skinny. Its nice to have a few curves!
  • omg...bump...im all over this. Thanks!
  • Though I've had friends describe eating it as a form of torture, I personally love greek yogurt-both for its nutritional content and flavor. I eat half a quart of the stuff daily...no joke. I prefer the 0% Fage (which I normally eat completely plain) because their sugar content is a little lower and protein content a…
  • Please add me! I know it's not quite the 1st, but here is my info for now: Current Weight:142.4 Challenge Goal Weight (for December 22nd): 135 Weight Category: <<mini goals posted>> 12/1: 141 12/8: 139 12/15: 137 12/22: 135 THANK YOU!!
  • Fantastic job! You look great. I've got 5 months til MY 30th and I'm feeling extra inspired. Thank you!
  • Bump! Excited to try it!
  • I LOVE greek yogurt...II think its amazing with pineapple mixed in. Also, like some other people, I mix it up as a dip and eat with cucumbers. Delish!
  • I liked my Apple ones a whole lot more than the Skull Candy ones I got. I'm not a huge fan of earbuds to begin with but even though the Skull Candy's come with different sized rubber pieces, they still don't stay put in my ear while I run and drive me nuts. My next purchase will be a pair of ear buds with the over the ear…
  • That would be amazing! Used to do Zumba at my gym, but they stopped offering classes :(
  • I literally just read this article and it made me want to reply. I don't know a thing about which is healthier, but maybe the article can help you decide what's most important to you! http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/35976918/ns/today-today_health/