SoTiredOfMe Member


  • I invite you to be on Seroquel and LIthium (I have!) and NOT gain weight. These are chemicals going into your brain. Although they are needed, they do have these side effects (very common, I may add; a quick Google search that show you that). Good luck finding patients that will stick with your methods. People go to…
  • Don't feed the troll, kids.
  • That's insanely self-explanitory. What compirises an apple makes an apple. If there is an added chemical, then that IS the added chemical. I'm not sure what you guys are trying to accomplish by belittling someone's way of eating. You're grasping at straws with your "arguments" and basically trying to push your views on…
  • There's a vast difference between the chemical composition of something and the chemicals added to it that weren't already in/ on the product.
  • Organic fruits and veggies. Meat that hasn't been "cleaned" with chemicals. Cooking with a very limited amount of oils. NOT eating something that comes out of a box. NOT something that is dehydrated. I'm not looking to start a debate on what "diet" is "better" or "worse". All I'm saying is that this works for me and I feel…
  • I disagree. Eating clean means eating mostly non-processed foods, meaning that there IS something called clean eating. Of course, any human being is going to eat the occasional candy and cake, but that's up to what you can handle or want to put in your system. It's not something you can do over night. Small changes make…