How do you keep your food intake "Clean"?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    TIL that the MFP community is apparently on the Twinkie diet

    Not eating "clean" != "being on the twinkie diet"

    There's a whole range of options between those two extremes.

    Yeah, but the fervor with which some of these MFPers rail against fruits, veggies and whole grains is kind of unsettling. I mean, I eat junk food occasionally, but I'm not going to pretend that whole foods are bad. Or that a hot dog is as healthy as equal calories of veggies and beans and stuff. Not only is there science behind it, but personal anecdata tells me that I feel like total crap when I eat more processed foods, and I feel more energy when I cook healthy foods for myself.

    the vast majority don't rail against fruits and veg and whole grains,'s when people say you can't eat x,y, & z 'cuz chemicals that it has to be pointed out that nutrient dense whole foods have chemicals that they can't pronounce either. it's also not railing against fruit and veg to point out that you can have a can of beans (it comes in a package and is processed) and you're going to be just fine...and you can eat a bowl of ice cream after banging on all of your other nutrients that day because you don't get extra credit for more broccoli.

    the vast majority of us eat a lot of fruit and veg and lean proteins, etc...but we also aren't afraid of something just because it comes in a package and was processed by someone other than ourselves or has ingredients that we can't pronounce.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    TIL that the MFP community is apparently on the Twinkie diet

    Not eating "clean" != "being on the twinkie diet"

    There's a whole range of option

    Yeah, but the fervor with which some of these MFPers rail against fruits, veggies and whole grains is kind of unsettling. I mean, I eat junk food occasionally, but I'm not going to pretend that whole foods are bad. Or that a hot dog is as healthy as equal calories of veggies and beans and stuff. Not only is there science behind it, but personal anecdata tells me that I feel like total crap when I eat more processed foods, and I feel more energy when I cook healthy foods for myself.

    No one - literally no one - rails or even suggests against fruits and veggies. Some people rail against whole grains, but those are Paleo or primal people mostly (I forget which is which).

    No one says a hot dog is "as healthy as" or "equal to" veggies. A hot dog can have the same amount of calories as an avocado, and therefore be equivalent to an avocado in terms of weight loss or gain, but a hot dog and avocado contain different nutrients.

    It's all about nutrients. The name of the game is to get the righy amount of nutrients. Carbs, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are all nutrients.

    Some rail against kale. Or at least call those who claim to like it liars, which is pretty close to railing.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    TIL that the MFP community is apparently on the Twinkie diet

    Not eating "clean" != "being on the twinkie diet"

    There's a whole range of options between those two extremes.

    Yeah, but the fervor with which some of these MFPers rail against fruits, veggies and whole grains is kind of unsettling. I mean, I eat junk food occasionally, but I'm not going to pretend that whole foods are bad. Or that a hot dog is as healthy as equal calories of veggies and beans and stuff. Not only is there science behind it, but personal anecdata tells me that I feel like total crap when I eat more processed foods, and I feel more energy when I cook healthy foods for myself.

    I've never seen anyone rail against fruits/veggies. Mostly what I see is people like me, saying eating clean isn't necessary.

    I eat at least 5 servings of veggies, usually 1-2 servings of fruit, chicken, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. daily. But I also eat ice cream and cookies when they fit (they usually do). I also feel healthy and have more energy than I did when I was overweight.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    TIL that the MFP community is apparently on the Twinkie diet

    Not eating "clean" != "being on the twinkie diet"

    There's a whole range of option

    Yeah, but the fervor with which some of these MFPers rail against fruits, veggies and whole grains is kind of unsettling. I mean, I eat junk food occasionally, but I'm not going to pretend that whole foods are bad. Or that a hot dog is as healthy as equal calories of veggies and beans and stuff. Not only is there science behind it, but personal anecdata tells me that I feel like total crap when I eat more processed foods, and I feel more energy when I cook healthy foods for myself.

    No one - literally no one - rails or even suggests against fruits and veggies. Some people rail against whole grains, but those are Paleo or primal people mostly (I forget which is which).

    No one says a hot dog is "as healthy as" or "equal to" veggies. A hot dog can have the same amount of calories as an avocado, and therefore be equivalent to an avocado in terms of weight loss or gain, but a hot dog and avocado contain different nutrients.

    It's all about nutrients. The name of the game is to get the righy amount of nutrients. Carbs, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are all nutrients.

    Some rail against kale. Or at least call those who claim to like it liars, which is pretty close to railing.

    Well kale is awful. :laugh:

    But I still strongly suggest everyone eat 4+ servings of fruit and vegetables a day, even as I tell them Taco Bell is perfectly fine.
  • SoTiredOfMe
    SoTiredOfMe Posts: 6 Member
    That's insanely self-explanitory. What compirises an apple makes an apple. If there is an added chemical, then that IS the added chemical.

    I'm not sure what you guys are trying to accomplish by belittling someone's way of eating. You're grasping at straws with your "arguments" and basically trying to push your views on others. Seriously, that is all I see on websites like this. "NO, OUR WAY IS BETTER, F YOU". Knock it off. Accept and move on.

    calm thy jimmies

    Don't feed the troll, kids.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member

    the irony is that the vast majority of IIFYM folks like myeself eat pretty damned "clean" the vast majority of the time..

    Why do you do that?
  • bridget_i
    bridget_i Posts: 8 Member
    I have been on my journey for the past 4 months with awesome results. As i begin my new workout regiment that a RL buddy is helping me put together for Strength Training, I keep hearing him, and others through research, mention "keeping it clean". Now being the noob i am, i assume i know what they are all saying cause no one ever really says what they mean, but, I want to get a feel from my new extended family.....

    What does "keeping it clean" mean for you in terms of nutritional intake?!?!


    So I did not read every single comment, but I read a lot of them. And here's what I've concluded - there is no single definition of "clean" eating:

    Also, different things work for different people - some cannot intake large amounts of sugar, some cannot intake foods that are high in acidity, some people cannot eat anything containing nut products of any kind... the list goes on and on.

    The list is even longer for what people choose to eat and not eat that helps them feel their best. Again, this comes down to choice, sometimes medical necessity, but either way, different people eat different foods.

    I think that the one surefire way to lose weight and get healthy is to keep track of what you're eating, and get exercise in. And even with all of these varied responses to the original post, I think just about everyone who commented has had results of some sort.

    What this means for you, OP, is that you have now been given a myriad of options, so now you get to choose what works best for you.

    And everyone wins!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Some rail against kale. Or at least call those who claim to like it liars, which is pretty close to railing.

    that's because it's disgusting and shouldn't be consumed.

    and no kale chips are not amazing- they are gross- I've had them.
    Everyone snapped them up- I didn't understand.

    I rail against it- wailing and gnashing of teeth- it's not food.

    I didn't' call those who claim to like it liars- that was someone else- but I'm leaning toward believing it.
    the irony is that the vast majority of IIFYM folks like myeself eat pretty damned "clean" the vast majority of the time..

    Why do you do that?

    because that typically gets people the macro's they need to hit their goals. You are not going to get your protein eating carb heavy samiches and you are going to blow your calorie diet eating "junk" none clean food.

    we just aren't calling it some crazy diet- we just eat what we eat to get the job done and enjoy ourselves in the mean time.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    TIL that the MFP community is apparently on the Twinkie diet

    Not eating "clean" != "being on the twinkie diet"

    There's a whole range of option

    Yeah, but the fervor with which some of these MFPers rail against fruits, veggies and whole grains is kind of unsettling. I mean, I eat junk food occasionally, but I'm not going to pretend that whole foods are bad. Or that a hot dog is as healthy as equal calories of veggies and beans and stuff. Not only is there science behind it, but personal anecdata tells me that I feel like total crap when I eat more processed foods, and I feel more energy when I cook healthy foods for myself.

    No one - literally no one - rails or even suggests against fruits and veggies. Some people rail against whole grains, but those are Paleo or primal people mostly (I forget which is which).

    No one says a hot dog is "as healthy as" or "equal to" veggies. A hot dog can have the same amount of calories as an avocado, and therefore be equivalent to an avocado in terms of weight loss or gain, but a hot dog and avocado contain different nutrients.

    It's all about nutrients. The name of the game is to get the righy amount of nutrients. Carbs, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are all nutrients.

    Some rail against kale. Or at least call those who claim to like it liars, which is pretty close to railing.

    Well kale is awful. :laugh:

    But I still strongly suggest everyone eat 4+ servings of fruit and vegetables a day, even as I tell them Taco Bell is perfectly fine.

    I'm sure some think it is awful, but many more like it. Clean eaters or not. I like most greens, other than mustard greens (too bitter!). This is totally off subject, but I can't for the life of me figure out why beet greens are not sold in stores. They are delicious and full of nutrients, and there are cans and jars of beets on the shelves from which the greens have been removed. So, why aren't those greens available in the produce department??
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    TIL that the MFP community is apparently on the Twinkie diet

    Not eating "clean" != "being on the twinkie diet"

    There's a whole range of option

    Yeah, but the fervor with which some of these MFPers rail against fruits, veggies and whole grains is kind of unsettling. I mean, I eat junk food occasionally, but I'm not going to pretend that whole foods are bad. Or that a hot dog is as healthy as equal calories of veggies and beans and stuff. Not only is there science behind it, but personal anecdata tells me that I feel like total crap when I eat more processed foods, and I feel more energy when I cook healthy foods for myself.

    No one - literally no one - rails or even suggests against fruits and veggies. Some people rail against whole grains, but those are Paleo or primal people mostly (I forget which is which).

    No one says a hot dog is "as healthy as" or "equal to" veggies. A hot dog can have the same amount of calories as an avocado, and therefore be equivalent to an avocado in terms of weight loss or gain, but a hot dog and avocado contain different nutrients.

    It's all about nutrients. The name of the game is to get the righy amount of nutrients. Carbs, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are all nutrients.

    Some rail against kale. Or at least call those who claim to like it liars, which is pretty close to railing.

    Well kale is awful. :laugh:

    But I still strongly suggest everyone eat 4+ servings of fruit and vegetables a day, even as I tell them Taco Bell is perfectly fine.

    I'm sure some think it is awful, but many more like it. Clean eaters or not. I like most greens, other than mustard greens (too bitter!). This is totally off subject, but I can't for the life of me figure out why beet greens are not sold in stores. They are delicious and full of nutrients, and there are cans and jars of beets on the shelves from which the greens have been removed. So, why aren't those greens available in the produce department??

    You're taking the kale thing way too seriously. The "kale is terrible and no one should eat it" thing is a joke. As for beet greens... never even heard of em. I rarely even see beets.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    If you cant pronounce the names of the ingredients or the list takes up half the label, you shouldn't be putting it in your body.

    Then what do you eat??? Even fruits and veggies are made up of things I can't pronounce....

    Wow, where do you shop? I have yet to see the ingredient list of chemicals on the side of an apple.

    it's called the internet and science

    So its not on the label then? That is what you are saying? We are talking about the label here, nothing else. :)

    I thought we were talking about what the food actually contained, not what's on the label.

    Silly me.

    If it's on a label, and I don't know what it is? Bad.

    If I don't know what's in it at all? Good.

    I think that's the takeaway from this.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you cant pronounce the names of the ingredients or the list takes up half the label, you shouldn't be putting it in your body.

    Then what do you eat??? Even fruits and veggies are made up of things I can't pronounce....

    Wow, where do you shop? I have yet to see the ingredient list of chemicals on the side of an apple.

    it's called the internet and science

    So its not on the label then? That is what you are saying? We are talking about the label here, nothing else. :)

    I thought we were talking about what the food actually contained, not what's on the label.

    Silly me.

    If it's on a label, and I don't know what it is? Bad.

    If I don't know what's in it at all? Good.

    I think that's the takeaway from this.

    I have a feeling you were being facetious, but it is more or less this. There is no reason to need to know the chemical make-up of every food you eat. I would wager that no one, even the most experienced nutrition scientist, does. But, there is a comfort for some in knowing that a food does not contain additives that, without time and research, they know nothing about other than the FDA has put them on the GRAS list (or whatever standard their country has for food additives).
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    I have a feeling you were being facetious, but it is more or less this. There is no reason to need to know the chemical make-up of every food you eat. I would wager that no one, even the most experienced nutrition scientist, does. But, there is a comfort for some in knowing that a food does not contain additives that, without time and research, they know nothing about other than the FDA has put them on the GRAS list (or whatever standard their country has for food additives).

    So we should completely do away with food labeling? Because the fact of the matter is simple: unless you* are growing the items yourself - you really don't know what's in it. That apple/cucumber/lettuce/tomato you bought at the store/farmer's market/farmstand? You have no idea what sort(s) of pesticides/fertilizer/cleaning agents were used in its production. You have no idea if it was subjected to distilled water, tap water (and whatever is in it, depending upon municipality), or just outside and subjected to acid rain. There's sooooo much you really don't know about what it is you are about to consume. And, finally, if someone wants to avoid certain chemicals, then they really ought to know/realize that those chemicals may be found in the foods that they consider clean/natural/organic/whatever. There's no difference between the ethanol that's in an apple and the ethanol someone creates in a lab - it's CH3CH2OH, whether it's made by Mother Nature or man.

    *You is not any one particular person, rather it's the generic you.

    And, yes, I was being somewhat facetious.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    The only pro-God food plan....


    I was waiting for someone to mention this

    Is this the "Fishes and Loaves" diet? Cause i eat a whole whitefish fillet and 2 slices of 12 grain bread (yes 12 as in the appossels (typo likely sue me) - 3-4 times a week....Im down for it :p
    If it's paleo, then it's the Daniel Boone diet.:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Really i was just trying to be funny (well sort of).......But i do like me some Fishes and Loaves!
    Does fish covered in panko count.

    For me (diabetic) i try to avoid carbs that are quickly absorbed....but i havent looked at panko at all...not sure it would be a slow absorbed carb....if i bread my fish i use whole wheat flour and thats that. Usually i just broil, sear in omega 3 light butter substitute, or i bake in tin foil with same butter sub with lemon and herbs.
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    Not eating processed junk. If you don't recognize the ingredients as simple, whole foods, don't eat it.

    sliced bread= processed, apple= whole food, ice cream= processed, fresh fish= whole food, etc.

    Simply put: Eat FOOD (not edible, food-like substances), not too much, mostly plants.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    Basically, my rule of thumb on eating clean is reduced processed foods... eating what they Earth provides us in the most freshest possible way. I am not saying I don't eat processed foods... that is pretty difficult to do, but if I can't pronounce it and the box has more than about 4 ingredients... I put it back on the shelf.

    There is a whole magazine dedicated to clean eating. They have suggestions, recipes, fitness info... etc. It's called... you guessed it... Clean Eating. You can also check it out online at

    Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    I have a feeling you were being facetious, but it is more or less this. There is no reason to need to know the chemical make-up of every food you eat. I would wager that no one, even the most experienced nutrition scientist, does. But, there is a comfort for some in knowing that a food does not contain additives that, without time and research, they know nothing about other than the FDA has put them on the GRAS list (or whatever standard their country has for food additives).

    So we should completely do away with food labeling? Because the fact of the matter is simple: unless you* are growing the items yourself - you really don't know what's in it. That apple/cucumber/lettuce/tomato you bought at the store/farmer's market/farmstand? You have no idea what sort(s) of pesticides/fertilizer/cleaning agents were used in its production. You have no idea if it was subjected to distilled water, tap water (and whatever is in it, depending upon municipality), or just outside and subjected to acid rain. There's sooooo much you really don't know about what it is you are about to consume. And, finally, if someone wants to avoid certain chemicals, then they really ought to know/realize that those chemicals may be found in the foods that they consider clean/natural/organic/whatever. There's no difference between the ethanol that's in an apple and the ethanol someone creates in a lab - it's CH3CH2OH, whether it's made by Mother Nature or man.

    *You is not any one particular person, rather it's the generic you.

    And, yes, I was being somewhat facetious.

    This again?? Food labeling and chemical make-up are not the same things. Not even close really. They are completely different subjects.

    And the rest of your rant is why many people go for organic produce, so that the pesticides and fertilizers are more limited. I'm sure many would like to avoid all food that was not grown in a controlled environment of clean soil and water and atmosphere. But, this is the real world. Not controlling things you feel strongly about, just because you can't control everything would be ridiculous.

    People exclude things from their diet for various reasons, without caring if you think they should or not. It's personal choice.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Also, the people who think natural = better are deluding themselves. Everything in nature has well-developed defense mechanisms. Surviving in nature is a constant arms race. Nature doesn't exist for our benefit. The history of organisms is a history of species taking advantage of one another, developing defenses against each other, and evolving new ways to get past those defenses and continue taking advantage of one another.

    We exist because we evolved to survive despite other organisms' best efforts to screw us over. We evolved to be able to TOLERATE things in nature. They didn't evolve for OUR benefit.
    Bitter is one of the tastes that humans have either evolved or has been there to protect against poisons. Probably the reason bitter greens or other foods are either liked or disliked solely from that taste perspective. For some reason people have different tolerances of bitter and for me I probably don't react to bitter as a lot of people do, I enjoy bitter foods on their own or as a balance with other tastes, like savory, sweet, sour etc.....and why I like and enjoy kale, swiss chard, etc. Could be geographic or social too I think.......not use to it is an automatic turn down for losts of people. Anyway I'm digressing. lol
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The only pro-God food plan....


    I was waiting for someone to mention this

    Is this the "Fishes and Loaves" diet? Cause i eat a whole whitefish fillet and 2 slices of 12 grain bread (yes 12 as in the appossels (typo likely sue me) - 3-4 times a week....Im down for it :p
    If it's paleo, then it's the Daniel Boone diet.:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Really i was just trying to be funny (well sort of).......But i do like me some Fishes and Loaves!
    Does fish covered in panko count.

    For me (diabetic) i try to avoid carbs that are quickly absorbed....but i havent looked at panko at all...not sure it would be a slow absorbed carb....if i bread my fish i use whole wheat flour and thats that. Usually i just broil, sear in omega 3 light butter substitute, or i bake in tin foil with same butter sub with lemon and herbs.

    In small amounts, and along with protein, carbs are fine. My husband is diabetic too, but I sure bread his fish and chicken for him.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Also, the people who think natural = better are deluding themselves. Everything in nature has well-developed defense mechanisms. Surviving in nature is a constant arms race. Nature doesn't exist for our benefit. The history of organisms is a history of species taking advantage of one another, developing defenses against each other, and evolving new ways to get past those defenses and continue taking advantage of one another.

    We exist because we evolved to survive despite other organisms' best efforts to screw us over. We evolved to be able to TOLERATE things in nature. They didn't evolve for OUR benefit.
    Bitter is one of the tastes that humans have either evolved or has been there to protect against poisons. Probably the reason bitter greens or other foods are either liked or disliked solely from that taste perspective. For some reason people have different tolerances of bitter and for me I probably don't react to bitter as a lot of people do, I enjoy bitter foods on their own or as a balance with other tastes, like savory, sweet, sour etc.....and why I like and enjoy kale, swiss chard, etc. Could be geographic or social too I think.......not use to it is an automatic turn down for losts of people. Anyway I'm digressing. lol

    But I *like* bitter foods, at least some of them, like, dark chocolate, grapefruit, coffee, lager...