

  • I just joined yesterday and I already love this site. I think its better than weight watchers! Teamwork and motivation is the key and I know together we can do it! Welcome aboard!
  • Hi Michelle! I just joined yesterday. I too have a daughter and she is involved with sports, what makes it worse is I carpool with my husband and we both work a half hour away from where we live (daughters school is same town as we work) so getting off work hoping there is no overtime involved and hoping that her practices…
  • Hi Mike! I'm Heidi and I just joined yesterday. I agree with you that this sight is easy to use. I think it's amazing and something that I will keep up with. I can't wait to try out some of the recipies on here they sound amazing and seem to take very little effort. I have alot of weight to loose, a little over 100lbs. I…
  • I am going to try these tonite! What I like about it is that the servings are small and you can take just one but with a whole pie you tend to cut large peices and eat more than you should. I love this idea, Thank you so much for posting it!