Time to say hello

censu67 Posts: 53 Member
Good afternoon MFP'ers,

I want to have a sense that I'd actually use this site before introducing myself. I have to say this site is much easier to use than I thought and has been a great tool so far. Far better than I had expected it to be. Having the app on the phone is a life saver when on the road.

Not really sure what to put here. My name is Mike, I'm 43 and need to lose approx 90lbs still. I'm down 45lbs from my heaviest, but that was 2 years ago. Over the last 2 years I've gone up and down 20-30lbs. Currently I'm at the lowest weight I've been in a few years and it's easy to lose site of that progress. Seeing the tools on here and the visuals really seems to help me.

Would like to make friends around the globe and locally, so go ahead and add me. If you are reasonably local, perhaps we can form a local hiking group.




  • blakeym
    blakeym Posts: 97 Member
    Nice to meet you MIke. Keep up the effort :smile:
  • heididoll
    Hi Mike! I'm Heidi and I just joined yesterday. I agree with you that this sight is easy to use. I think it's amazing and something that I will keep up with. I can't wait to try out some of the recipies on here they sound amazing and seem to take very little effort.
    I have alot of weight to loose, a little over 100lbs. I have been heavy all my life, topping the scale at 282lbs in December 2009. Currently I am 254lbs and have been for months so I am very excited about this process and my future weight loss.

    Congratulations on your weight loss! I know how hard it is to do and maintain. I would love to have weight loss buddys to share ideas with and learn from, I hope you will keep me posted on your success. Have a very wonderful day! We can do this!!!
  • padthaiplease
    Hello Mike!
  • MarilynJones
    Congrats on starting....I just started a few days ago. My niece introduced me to the site and said "It will work, just work it!" I am so encouraged. I live in the southeast corner of Washington, and I have a walking buddy that really helps me get out there and walk...so find a local friend that you can hook up with and go for it....good luck!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Welcome Mike! This site so far has been a tremendous help to me, and I'm sure it will be for you too. Congrats on your already amazing weight loss, and good luck on the rest!
  • watchmelose2
    watchmelose2 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello! Glad to have you! I just started back myself! I left for a few months to go to weight watchers! But I found I like this a lot better!
  • censu67
    censu67 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you all. I know it's a journey and need to keep that in mind. For me, smaller more manageable goals I think are the key.
