

  • The notion that once you start eating at a higher calorie level you will gain the weight back is completely false. As long as when you raise your calories it does not exceed your BMR, you will not gain FAT. If you gain, it will most likely be water. I have almost a year of experience keeping both low-calorie and low-carb.…
  • As a psychologist who has worked with both mentally ill adolescents and mainstream adolescents, I can tell you that they will respond more favorably when you focus on what they did right and not on what they did wrong. Sit down and do his homework with him, and tell him he's doing a good job, even if its only one step of…
  • Thanks for all the feedback. :) The reason I'm asking is because I am on a forum for people who have recently had weight loss surgery; in our case, the gastric sleeve. The sleeve is designed to make it impossible to consume large amounts of food, and in most cases more than 600 calories per day at the start unless you are…
  • I go to therapy for my Binge Eating Disorder, and I have found it incredibly helpful. Within about three months my bingeing behavior was almost non-existent, and I currently haven't had a binge in over 6 months. It is extremely helpful, even if you do not have a classified disorder. Make sure when you are looking for a…
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