sandykendrick Member


  • Good morning everyone, I got my husband off to work this morning. Glad its him. (I think). I do miss working though. We went out and looked for a new box spring and mattress this weekend and think we have decided. We have until the end of the month. I hate what we have now, its so uncomfortable. We have only had it for…
  • Hi everyone I'm 57 and have 11 grandkids that range from the age of 18 -10 months. I have been married for 13 1/2 years. These years have been good years. I just started this sight in Dec. of 2013. I'm not totally and completely use to it eat but well on my way. I don't knit or crochet but wish I could do it. Because while…
  • Hi my name is Sandy and I'm 57 (older than you). No don't give up. We can do this my friend. It isn't easy that is for sure but I'm not going to get bumbed out about it. First thing you remember is that your not along. Hang in there my friend and don't ever give up. You get to feeling down just talk to any of us.
  • Hi everyone Im 57 and have 140 lbs as my goal. I presently weigh 178 1/2. I would love to have you all as a friend.:smile:
  • I would like now that the holidays is over to get down to 140 pounds. Right now Im fighting off that flu that is going around. My husband has had it for 8 days now. I've been doing myfitnesspal for about 1 mth now and love it,just learning my way around and haven't done that a lot. Just having a hard time losing the weight…
  • Hi Im new and not sure I you go about getting a excerise. Is it one that you do and then you post it or how does it happen? How do I get intouch with my personal trainer?
  • Hi I wanted to you to know that I am very new with myfittnesspal. I'm veryT excited about getting started. I had a friend tell me about this and suggested that I might want to give it a try. So far so good. Im not saying its going to be easy because I know it won't be because in the past it hasn't been easy. Lets get…