

  • yeah I def have the whole PCOS thing going on but but I was kind of hoping to be able to kick this whole thing w/o my dr's input....she seems to want to give me drugs to take and I'm not a big fan. I've been working on it since January though and I have lost 38 lbs which still kind of shocks me. This stall has been very…
  • Ok, shock the body (gladly at this point!) and eat more.....does anyone else think it's totally insane that we have to make ourselves eat more in order to lose weight?!?!? And it is true that my clothes all fit more loose so I probably have been losing inches even though my legs have....well, my legs are all muscle which…
  • nearly always under what mfp says my daily goal should be (I do have a tendancy to not eat enough) I really try to eat around 1400 cal every day which I know doesn't sound difficult but for me it seems to be.
  • "a solid base" LOL I like that, and yes, I do. I've always had a lot of muscle and now that I've been working out my legs are nearly all muscle. Might need to up the lean protiens (because honestly I'm usually under on everything including protien). AHHHH this crazy puzzle is going to drive me nuts!
  • I have a lot of calorie dense foods that I try to every day including nuts & cottage cheese but apparently I need to step it up even more. I'm a TOTAL carboholic but I've pretty much cut bread, pasta and rice out of my diet and I'm not real eager to bring them back.
  • ohhhhh THANK YOU for the link, it explains soooooo much! NO, I am def NOT eating enough calories if I'm supposed to keep up with eating the calories the excersise gives me back grrrrr! Not eating enough calories a day has been my problem for years. Apparently I'm last on my list of important things to take care of every…
  • My hubby didn't notice mine either (which upset me as well). On the other hand he sees me every day so its harder to see. My girlfriend who I see every few weeks def noticed though and that made me feel a lot better :)
  • Thats a good question. I've been wondering the same thing. The Wii Active 2 game I have calls for 4 work out days and 3 rest days....though I've been cheating and using the Wii Fit on my "rest days". I just can't seem to stop, actually I'm a little afraid to stop and I don't see a good reason why I should.
  • SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO incredibly happy to find other people who understand how frustrating it is to battle your own body when you have to deal with PCOS! Feels like I'm being sabotaged from the inside out! My hubby and I are both working out and I've completely changed the way we eat. He's dropping weight like its nothing and…