You still have more fat to lose before you bulk. The current trend seems to be around 12% bf for guys before starting a bulk. There are both aesthetic and physiological reasons for stripping the fat off first. So keep at it, keep the protein high, keep lifting, and good luck!…
Think of it this way - you went from 0 to pulling 200+ pounds repeatedly, from a dead stop, dangling in midair. That is quite a jump for your body to adjust to. Work your way back slowly, and forget about what you could do 15 years ago, cause that's the surest way to get hurt. Spend a few weeks getting reacquainted with…
That's fine. You can't expect to hit your number perfectly every day. If you're averaging out to where you need to be, good job!
Yup, sorry he's right ...
You are also a cross country / track athlete. Do you know how many calories such an active lifestyle requires? Talk to a coach / dietician to get an idea of how much you should be eating. You might be surprised at what is "normal." And of course, if you think you have an ed, talk to a counselor to get a handle on it.…
You got me. In!
Someone posted this on another threat ... Get inspired, get moving, and get better!
And we have a winner!!! Congrats and good for you. Get to enjoy more food and a healthier body. Win-win. Great update.
Measure bowl, measure bowl w/ice cream, subtract bowl = ice cream. Get individual portion wrapped treats as a failsafe measure. Trader Joes mocha or chocolate European yogurt is a great start if you like those flavors. Good luck ...
Like everyone said - food scale. I would have left it at that ... but really the answer you are looking for is, no. You are not suddenly going to blimp up from the hidden calories accumulated over the past several weeks / months. You have successfully lost / maintained / whatever over the last (x) period of time.…
Steamed (insert protein) and mixed vegetables. (choose sauce) on the side. White / brown rice (comes in separate container). Use a 1/4 cup rice with meal. Tablespoon or two or sauce on food. Or, dip each bite lightly in sauce as you go. Healthy Chinese meal. Bonus: ask for no msg. Enjoy!
Nothing but love. Your youth and fitness should help your recovery. Positive thoughts, and a wakeup call for all of us to savor every moment ...
In for when I start running ...
Sometimes, I just want to munch away. Baby carrots, snap peas, chopped celery, chopped peppers, tablespoon of hummus (flavored or not). And chew to your heart's content. Eventually, hopefully, surprise, this is what you will start to look forward to.
Had the cookie dough today. Hit the sweet tooth spot. Love the numbers. Love the ingredients they describe on the website. Always wonder, though, what lurks in those "natural flavors." Just can't seem to shake the spidey sense that something's not quite right there ...
Put the website aside. Seek professional help. Return when you and your specialist decide it is best for you. You have a long and precious life ... get help now to make sure it is all you want it to be. Best of luck.
In for results ...
Clean the cupboards of food you binge on. It is a lot harder to go off the rails if all you have to choose from is baby carrots, celery, and hummus. Or individually portioned nuts. Or fruits. Lean meats. Etc ... If I have chips or cookies in my place, I feel compelled to eat them. Don't know why. If they're not around, I…
Keep the watermelon. Get a new trainer. Problem solved. Unless you are a diabetic. Then talk to your doctor. But still get a new trainer.
Sigh. Yes, that macro split is fine. As is 40 carbs, 30, 30. If you aren't looking to win a bodybuilding contest, keep things simple. And do what makes you most comfortable most of the time. Good luck.
Do not worry about macros / sodium when you are so ill. Worry about getting something that will stay down and keep you hydrated. Chicken broth (low sodium if you are really concerned), hot water with lemon / ginger / honey, toast with peanut / almond butter are all staples. Saltines dipped in broth. Feel better, this…
Well - based on that last post - let me add, motivation/inspiration is one thing - but if you expect to actually attain the perfection shown in those airbrushed magazines, that's a whole other question. Because you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Those photos are an idealized fantasy - even approaching…
No, you shouldn't ... But of course, you already do, and advertising is based on the fact that most others do as well (and will buy products because of it), so take solace in the notion that you are "purchasing" your health with the help of an otherwise underhanded associative technique, have a laugh, and move on without…
Slimfast, you lost me at hydrogenated soybean oil. If you want a quick shake on the go, buy some high quality whey protein (without artificial flavors / colors), mix with skim or almond milk, and take with a multivitamin. Same deal as slimfast without all of the garbage. Of course, if you look at the ingredients in almond…
Pellegrino / Trader Joe's Soda Water, squeeze and drop your choice of lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit. Have also used cucumber, crushed blueberries, dash of vanilla (not at the same time). Elderberry is pretty sublime. All the fizz, none of the problems. Tastes a little off at first (not the same cloying sweetness), but…
Treat your body like you want it to treat you ...
Chase pr's instead! Great job, keep going!
Mixed fruit cups, and plain Greek yogurt with crushed almonds / pecans and some dark chocolate chips / nibs have gone a long way to satisfying (and eliminating) other cravings. Good luck ...
Start with a bodyweight program. Stick with it for a couple of months. Make it a part of your life. When you start to outgrow it (you will intuitively know when you are ready to move on from these programs), purchase a power rack online (doesn't need to be new - people are always getting rid of these). Purchase an olympic…