

  • Hello Im kelly, I live in northern michigan and we have a bit of snow...its hard for me to stay focused sometimes but i try! Thing get me down and I just wanna snack but i have been being good! I hope things will get better for me and good luck to everyone else! I know we can do what we set our minds to!!
  • I am from michigan! The northern part... Its winter of course so not so pretty right now if you dont like snow but in the summer time its beautiful
  • I found this online has anyone tried it or know anything about it if it works or not???
  • Im not trying to make excises but thanks those works of encouragement help! I just know my body and I know I am going to have to start slow and work up not go at it full force
  • If you dont have Fibroymalia or a chronic pain problem you wouldnt understand but walking hurts really bad after a while of doing it.... I was just looking for other more fun things to do...Plus i live in northern michigan Where its snowing right now.... Cant walk in the snow
  • alright thanks! I will check into it! If you ever need to talk just message me I am normally around always... I cant afford going to a gym I live in a small town right now and would have to drive 45 mins there and 45 mins back (lots of gas) and its just not worth it right now...
  • Thank you all! I have fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid arthritis in my legs back and arms... I wake up in major pain everyday I try to walk as much as i can be being its winter now and I live on a busy street and babysit I dont want to take my friends son out in this crap... So I needed to find something that would be inside…