I need exercises to do! Please help

I am just starting this and I'll be honest its going to be hard for me! I have a lot of physical issues and I hurt a lot. I need some exercises or a web site where i can fit the exercises to my body! I am really wanting to lose this weight I have always been a bit big but when I got pregnant with my daughter I put on a lot of weight and i want it to go away! If you can please help it would be appreciated and If you wanna add me as a friend so i have people to talk to who will lift me up when I dont feel like doing it anymore go a head!


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    For weight loss, your diet is more important than exercise.

    But there's plenty of ideas if you have a surf around YouTube!
  • roly14
    roly14 Posts: 25 Member
    If you are not use to doing exercise just move more Use the stairs Lose the remote Walk Do arm and leg lifts
    Add me as a friend if you like
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    Can you try just doing some walking every day just to get a bit more active? Once you've got into the habit maybe change it up with a workout?

    Feel free to add me for support, I log daily :)
  • ginaquinn2
    ginaquinn2 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Hon congratulations on making this big step coming here and asking for help here.
    I found a website that deals with exercise with disabilities. You can join in a 14
    week guided program. Check them out. Good luck, be patient and don't give up!
    I hope this helps :-):drinker:

    Welcome to NCPAD's 14-Week Program to a Healthier You!

    What is the program?

    Description: A free, personalized, web-based physical activity and nutrition program

    Target Audience: People with mobility limitations, chronic health conditions and physical disabilities Goal: To help you get moving and making healthy nutrition choices Duration: 14 weeks
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    You could try DDP Yoga?
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Maybe some of these with modifications? http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    For weight loss, your diet is more important than exercise.

    But there's plenty of ideas if you have a surf around YouTube!

    This ^^^^^ You didn't mention what your disabilities in exercisising were, so if you can do something with your arms. go to www.youtube.com and in the search put in arm exercises, or if you can use your legs, "leg exercises" or beginning leg exercises etc. youtube has mega amounts of exercise videos from the beginner to the expertise and for all area's of your body.
  • Thank you all! I have fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid arthritis in my legs back and arms... I wake up in major pain everyday I try to walk as much as i can be being its winter now and I live on a busy street and babysit I dont want to take my friends son out in this crap... So I needed to find something that would be inside but still help I will look things up on youtube and check other sites mention It is a great help to me for all your suggestions
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    leslie sansone walk at home videos are on you tube you can check that out.
    i also use fitness blender and hasfit.com see if there are any exercises that suit you on there. maybe swimming would be a good idea if you could get out. just take it gently until you get stronger. good luck.
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    I don't know how much you are trying to lose, I have recently hit my goals and am struggling to eat enough to maintain. I started out with a simple grappling circuit very good upper and lower body workout.
  • I have fibromyalgia and chronic pain issues so I understand where you are coming from. Yoga or tai chi are wonderful ways to get active and you can find videos on YouTube that will work for you. Start with a beginners level and modify the moves until you can do them fully. I was surprised how much yoga helped my pain - especially my back. Start out slowly and take as many breaks as you need. Keep well hydrated because if you become low on fluids it will magnify your pain. You can also do any type of water aerobics, swimming, low impact aerobics or walking. Your local gym should have child care for the kids you take care of if you can afford it.

    I know how hard being in pain can be but we need to get moving for it to get better as long as we don't over do it.

    Edit: someone else mentioned the walk at home workouts. I really like them. They are low impact and easy to do.
  • alright thanks! I will check into it! If you ever need to talk just message me I am normally around always... I cant afford going to a gym I live in a small town right now and would have to drive 45 mins there and 45 mins back (lots of gas) and its just not worth it right now...
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    walk. walk. and walk some more.
  • If you dont have Fibroymalia or a chronic pain problem you wouldnt understand but walking hurts really bad after a while of doing it.... I was just looking for other more fun things to do...Plus i live in northern michigan Where its snowing right now.... Cant walk in the snow
  • grandmamere
    grandmamere Posts: 155 Member
    I don't know how much you are trying to lose, I have recently hit my goals and am struggling to eat enough to maintain. I started out with a simple grappling circuit very good upper and lower body workout.

    :huh: I'm curious>>:indifferent: what is grappling circuit?
  • thundrks
    thundrks Posts: 43 Member
    I wrote down some awesome motivational quotes this morning, maybe one will help you...

    * Be stronger than your excuses
    *I may not be there yet - but I'm closer than I was yesterday
    *If you're tired of starting over - stop giving up
    *Yesterday you said tomorrow

    There are always going to be reasons not to exercise or not to eat better - and those reasons will always make it hard.
    "I hurt, it's raining, I don't feel like cooking, I'm too busy, It's too hot/cold, I'm not seeing results, don't want to exercise in front of my kids/husband, can't afford a gym, etc..." I know. I've said all of those, sometimes I sit on my bed in my workout clothes and have to GOOGLE motivation to exercise. I know...it's lame.. but true.

    You just have to find what works for you - and.... you have to understand that what works for you today, may not work for you tomorrow. Keep adjusting, keep changing, keep growing (or shrinking :) ) .. YOU CAN DO IT! You aren't the first one to have this problem, you wont be the last.

    What works for me currently is doing a few 30-day challenges, walking on the treadmill, riding the exercise bike and some easy yoga for stress relief. What works for me tomorrow may be an exercise video or two and some time on the stepper... it's going to change and you need to be fluid.

    I wish you great success, I hope you find what works for you.
  • Im not trying to make excises but thanks those works of encouragement help! I just know my body and I know I am going to have to start slow and work up not go at it full force
  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    You'd be hard pressed to find a low impact cardiovascular exercise routine that's worth doing and would be much easier on your body than this one:


    It's based on walking, but she varies the steps so that you aren't putting your muscles and joints through the same repetitive motions endlessly for the full 21 minutes. You'll be warm and dry and on firm, flat ground for the entire time. And as you'll always be at your destination, you don't have to worry about being stranded outside somewhere if discomfort forces you to take a rest break or quit early.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    I'd agree with starting off with some very gentle yoga.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Convict Conditioning and You Are Your Own Gym are designed to be flexible and geared toward individual abilities.

    Here's another that you should be able to adjust for yourself.

    Oh, now that I'm at home I can post: