

  • That's why I'm here. To get my freak on! Sign me up!:smokin:
  • Well, since I'm 55 I won't worry about the MI! LOL, JK! Exercise is not the issuse for sure. I work out 5 days a week with heavy weights and cardio. I'm 6'4 220 lbs. and prolly around 18% BF. I'm getting my measurements taken tomorrow AM. Just from watching my entries today on my food log, I need to eat a bunch more to…
  • Thanks, I will have to try that!
  • As a personal trainer, here is my recommendation. Quit worrying about what the scale reads and concentrate on what your body composition says! Have you had your body composition checked by a trainer with calipers? If not, that needs to be your starting point. Then take a look at your nutrition. Your already on a good…
  • Thanks for the reply. I'm not really being too hard on myself I think. Actually my good cholesterol is 36 which is over the recommended 30. I have taken fish oil before, but it tastes NASTY! I may have to find a substitute to increase my HDL even more.