

  • drugs? no thanks!
  • you're only 13. i know its hard, but try NOT to compare yourself to your friend(s). that could possibly lead to an eating disorder or body dysmorphic disorder. you are ok the way you are. DONT diet, but eat healthy. DONT deny yourself delicious, healthy food. stay active, but DONT overdo it. if you do, you may get injured…
  • thanks everyone. i actually did not buy it; it was given to us by a friend who couldnt use it bc she has diabetes and the carb content was too high for her. i will probably water it scoop per 12 oz. thanks so much!
  • @kmeekhof: the amount of protein in 2 scoops is 10g. i dont think thats the issue though bc i have a protein bar with 20g and a protein drink with 25g every day already. when i read about it, it seems to be the amount of vitamins/protein/creatine combo that is upsetting for some people. @songbyrdsweet: nice back!! i like…
  • ugh...disgusting sorry this happened to you. tomorrow is a new day! :)
  • this is so disturbing to hear. dont let him disrupt this health journey that you are on--stay strong and continue your path. he obviously feels insecure about your journey (afraid you'll leave him, become even more attractive to other men, etc), but this is his issue--not yours. what about asking him to go on an evening…
  • thanks! i'll do the formula. i dont have a heart rate monitor at the time. again, thank you!!
  • the latest "prevention" magazine has 4 weeks of exercises you can do at home. its a 4 week weight loss plan...alternating cardio, rest, strength training for all 7 days of a week. im finishing week 1 and i really like it. look for the may 2011 edition. you might also be able to find it online. they suggest consuming 1600…