Leigh_b Member


  • RND 258 (my 11th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 148.1 I have missed a few rounds. I started Round 256 but then ghosted the group on 4/11. Work, stress, and life’s general busy-ness of having two active teenagers and a million obligations got in the way of me doing the things I needed/wanted to do. The majority of…
  • @judefit1 - sending thoughts for strength and fast recovery to both you and your sister. My FIL had surgery two months ago 9n his hip and ended up getting COVID which he then gave to my MIL and then MIL ended up in the hospital due to dehydration and other issues from COVID. You don't hear too much about COVID anymore -…
  • RND 258 (my 11th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 148.1 I have missed a few rounds. I started Round 256 but then ghosted the group on 4/11. Work, stress, and life’s general busy-ness of having two active teenagers and a million obligations got in the way of me doing the things I needed/wanted to do. The majority of…
  • RND 258 (my 11th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 148.1 I have missed a few rounds. I started Round 256 but then ghosted the group on 4/11. Work, stress, and life’s general busy-ness of having two active teenagers and a million obligations got in the way of me doing the things I needed/wanted to do. The majority of…
  • RND 256 (my 10th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 149.5 4/6 - 149.5 4/7 - DNW - I’ve been away for a few rounds - but I’m back now. Hectic crazy work schedule and then a long trip for Spring Break. We spent a week in Italy and I am happy to find that despite eating A LOT and not running very much at all, my weight…
  • RND 256 (my 10th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 149.5 4/6 - 149.5 4/7 - DNW - I’ve been away for a few rounds - but I’m back now. Hectic crazy work schedule and then a long trip for Spring Break. We spent a week in Italy and I am happy to find that despite eating A LOT and not running very much at all, my weight…
  • @judefit1 - it is just so frustrating when you do EVERYTHING right and then get the opposite intended results. And then there is me this week - eating is completely out of control - going WAY over calories every day by eating sugary junk on the sofa while watching TV - and today I somehow showed a loss on the scale. I just…
  • RND 256 (my 10th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 149.5 4/6 - 149.5 4/7 - DNW - I’ve been away for a few rounds - but I’m back now. Hectic crazy work schedule and then a long trip for Spring Break. We spent a week in Italy and I am happy to find that despite eating A LOT and not running very much at all, my weight…
  • Goal 85 Miles: 4/1 - 4.00 miles - got to run in the Italian countryside at the base of the Dolomite Mountains 4/2 - rest day 4/3 - skipped run 4/4 - 3.47 miles - last run in Italy for Spring Break 4/5 - travel day - no running 4/6 - travel recovery 4/7 - rest day / travel recovery day 2 4/8 - 3.02 miles - monthly fitness…
  • ND 256 (my 10th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 149.5 4/6 - 149.5 4/7 - DNW - I’ve been away for a few rounds - but I’m back now. Hectic crazy work schedule and then a long trip for Spring Break. We spent a week in Italy and I am happy to find that despite eating A LOT and not running very much at all, my weight…
  • Fell off the wagon in March. Crazy hectic work schedule and then Spring Break took me off track - but I am back for April. Goal 85 Miles: 4/1 - 4.00 miles - got to run in the Italian countryside at the base of the Dolomite Mountains 4/2 - rest day 4/3 - skipped run 4/4 - 3.47 miles - last run in Italy for Spring Break 4/5…
  • RND 256 (my 10th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 149.5 4/6 - 149.5 4/7 - DNW - I’ve been away for a few rounds - but I’m back now. Hectic crazy work schedule and then a long trip for Spring Break. We spent a week in Italy and I am happy to find that despite eating A LOT and not running very much at all, my weight…
  • Here for my second Monthly challenge of the year. Goal 85 miles: 3/1 - 2.82 miles 3/2 ‐ 12.01 miles 3/3 - Rest Day 3/4 - 3.02 3/5 - skipped run (stormy/rainy morning) 3/6 - strength training / planned rest day from running 3/7 - 3.47 - interval run. 3/8 - skipped run - my legs were burned out after strength training…
  • RND 254 (my 9th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 149.4 3/17 - 150.0 - need to get my crap together and get back to actively participating in this challenge. Last round I made it 3 days and then fell off the participation cliff. I weighed every day - but was lazy about logging/posting. I say lazy - but I was actually…
  • Here for my second Monthly challenge of the year. Goal 85 miles: 3/1 - 2.82 miles 3/2 ‐ 12.01 miles 3/3 - Rest Day 3/4 - 3.02 3/5 - skipped run (stormy/rainy morning) 3/6 - strength training / planned rest day from running 3/7 - 3.47 - interval run. 3/8 - skipped run - my legs were burned out after strength training…
  • RND 253 (my 8th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 149.4 3/7 ‐ 149.4 3/8‐ 151.1 3/9- DNW 3/10 - 148.9 - my chaotic life just won’t seem to calm down. I continue to weigh most days, but don’t seem to find the time to get on and post my results. Hoping to finish this round stronger than I started… already 4 days in and…
  • Here for my second Monthly challenge of the year. Goal 85 miles: 3/1 - 2.82 miles 3/2 ‐ 12.01 miles 3/3 - Rest Day 3/4 - 3.02 - Ran 3 miles today. I’ve run the same route the first Monday of each month, Jan, Feb, and now March. I am still so much slower than I used to be, but I am getting progressively “faster” (putting…
  • @7lenny7 - congratulations on getting into your ultimate goal race!! I run with quite a few people who run crazy ultras - but I have not yet had the courage to take that plunge. Excited to hear about your adventures - I find there are always some great stories on the other side of an ultra :smiley:
  • RND 252 (my 7th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 150.7 2/26 - 151.1 - first day of new challenge and I’m going the wrong way 🙁. Still recovering from a stressful week last week. 3.5 mile run 2/27 - 149.2 - FINALLY broke 150. I am SO happy to see this number!!! Now, I just need to hold onto it. 2/28 - 148.9 - so…
  • RND 252 (my 7th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 150.7 2/26 - 151.1 - first day of new challenge and I’m going the wrong way 🙁. Still recovering from a stressful week last week. 3.5 mile run 2/27 - 149.2 - FINALLY broke 150. I am SO happy to see this number!!! Now, I just need to hold onto it. 2/28 - 148.9 - so…
  • Here for my second Monthly challenge of the year. Goal 85 miles: 3/1 - 2.82 miles 3/2 ‐ 12.01 miles. This is the longest distance I've run since completing my last marathon in Dec 2022. Feels good to be FINALLY building my mileage back. Sadly, it is not even close to the pace I used to run this distance 😕. Trying not to…
  • RND 252 (my 7th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 150.7 2/26 - 151.1 - first day of new challenge and I’m going the wrong way 🙁. Still recovering from a stressful week last week. 3.5 mile run 2/27 - 149.2 - FINALLY broke 150. I am SO happy to see this number!!! Now, I just need to hold onto it. 2/28 - 148.9 - so…
  • Here for my second Monthly challenge of the year. Goal 85 miles: 3/1 - 2.82 miles ___________________ 2.82 total miles 82.18 miles to go
  • RND 252 (my 7th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 150.7 2/26 - 151.1 - first day of new challenge and I’m going the wrong way 🙁. Still recovering from a stressful week last week. 3.5 mile run 2/27 - 149.2 - FINALLY broke 150. I am SO happy to see this number!!! Now, I just need to hold onto it. 2/28 - 148.9 - so…
  • @Chapter_3 - your quote about consistency actually being adaptability really spoke to me today. I spent most of 2023 trying to "get back to myself" by shoe-horning myself into a plan that once worked for me but did not really fit my current circumstances. It worked for me before because it worked with my lifestyle. Since…
  • @judefit1 - good luck with Birthday month!! I can completely relate to how treacherous that can be. Birthday "month" in our family runs from Thanksgiving (DD#2's birthday is in November) thru Mid January (DH's birthday Dec 27th, DD#1 birthday Jan 15 and my bday on Jan 10th). It is SO hard to navigate both holiday and…
  • I'm in for March. 85 miles
  • 2024 is my comeback year. I had a good January completing a daily mileage challenge and coming into February with good momentum. My February goal is to run a total of 85 miles. 2/3 - 3 miles 2/4 - 6 miles 2/6 - 2.55 miles 2/7 - 3.61 miles 2/8 ‐ 3.08 miles 2/10 - 8.02 miles 2/12 - skipped planned run 2/13 - 2.55 miles hill…
  • RND 252 (my 7th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 150.7 2/26 - 151.1 - first day of new challenge and I’m going the wrong way 🙁. Still recovering from a stressful week last week. 3.5 mile run 2/27 - 149.2 - FINALLY broke 150. I am SO happy to see this number!!! Now, I just need to hold onto it. 2/28 - 148.9 - so…
  • RND 252 (my 7th) SW (first round) 155.8 SW (this round) 150.7 2/26 - 151.1 - first day of new challenge and I’m going the wrong way 🙁. Still recovering from a stressful week last week. 3.5 mile run 2/27 - 149.2 - FINALLY broke 150. I am SO happy to see this number!!! Now, I just need to hold onto it. 2/28 - 148.9 - so…