

  • it wasn't really too big of a change....just the sugar aspect was a big change....I have generally always eaten whole grain before, as far as carbs go. Potatoes were a weakness before, but i have really been doing great as far as kicking the cravings.
  • I should also state that i had a total thyroidectomy 3 yrs. ago, am on Armour thyroid meds....but the south beach diet is what my endocrinologist frustrated!
  • total thyroidectomy 2 years since i don't have a thyroid, should certain those certain foods be avoided as well? Or is that only for those who still have a thyroid and are on meds?
  • Thanks...I had my levels checked in early Feb., but my endo is pretty easygoing, so if I ask to be tested again, it won't be a problem. I really feel good, the weight is just the issue, but maybe the lifestyle change is affecting my levels.My endo did say in Feb. that there is room to increase the meds., but i really did…
  • I am a stay at home mom, so it is hard for me to fit exercise in as well.....but I get up @ 6 a.m before everyone else and go for a 30 min. walk. Then when it is nap time for the munchkins, I do a cardio- kickboxing dvd (about 40 min.). Then if posssible I do a 3 mile walk in the evening. My point is that you just have to…
  • I wasn't eating the "exercise" calories, and I actually gained....then when I finally figured out that you should eat those calories, I finally lost!! I was told by my doc that your body can go into starvation mode, if you don't balance exercise and calorie intake.
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